Could the ever increasing numbers of ADD, ADHD, and other like disorders in our children, be related to food allergy? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

It is estimated that by the year 2000 (yes, we're here),4 to 22 million children will be perscribed the drug, RITALIN. Some of these children are under 6 years old!

There is growing evidence that many psychological disorders and episodes, including autism, MS, depression, ADD, ADHD, even schizophrenia, may be linked to food allergies. Most commonly, DAIRY and WHEAT. Why does the government (FDA) want to keep pumping people full of dairy products, when it's obviously a poison to so many? Here is some information. There is SO MUCH info about this on the web.

Dr D. Rapp allergy info

Gluten Free

More Gluten Free>

No Milk

GFDF Diet Autism Therapy

-- cin (, February 19, 2000


Are Krispy Kremes OK? Oh God, please.

-- (ohno@mr.bill), February 20, 2000.

Food, nutrition, allergies, and overgrowth of yeast are all factors that can affect learning and nervous system development. Also, courses of antibiotics in small children can result in increased yeast growth. Frequent ear infections are common in children with learning disabilities.

The first reaction of most Americans is to throw drugs at a problem, without much consideration of the factors which caused it in the first place.

There is a lot of information on Learning Disabilities on the net. You might visit for some interesting material. I heard her speak and she has a lot of insight.

-- gene (, February 20, 2000.

I believe that children who have a diet of canned spam, end up spamming websites on the internet as adults. Why do adults keep poisoning their bodies with drugs and alcohol and get on the internet and make fools of themselves? It is a trajedy and a bad experience to witness. Do you suppose the people who spammed TB2000 the last couple of days have food allergies?

-- curious mind (curiousmind@curiousminddd.xcom), February 20, 2000.


There's a direct relationship between the numbers of ADD and allergy cases reported in children and the decision by the Feds that these conditions would be covered by SSI. That may not be the whole story but it's a big chunk of the increase.

-- Jim Cooke (, February 20, 2000.

In most instances, there is no ADD/ADHD. This are fictional disorders invented to make money. Autism has been linked to the gross amount of mercury preservative (thimerosal) found in the 33 doses of 10 vaccines that children are forced to receive by the age of 5. An infant receiving a multidose cocktail of vaccines at birth can receive 62 micrograms of mercury. This is 100 times the exposure considered safe for an infant. Mercury is known to cause brain damage that mirrors the symptoms of autism. The federal government plans to develop several new vaccines in the next 2 years for AIDS, and several other sexually transmitted disease. They plan to require that all children have these vaccines starting at age 12 - OR they will be kicked out of the public schools. Clintigula is creating a National Vaccine Registry so he can keep track of all of us to ensure that we are vaccinated regularly, using our national IDs, of course. This will solve all our problems. P.S. - As soon as Bioport gets their act together, we will all be getting anthrax shots, too.

-- Y2kObserver (, February 20, 2000.

ADHD, etc are invented disorders meant to keep the shrinks rolling in money, and to make lots of money for the pharmaceutical companies.

The problems that are called ADHD, etc, can usually be minimized or even eliminated by changes in diet, vitamins and minerals, and a good cleansing diet. There's plenty of info out there on the Net, and in healthfood stores about it.

I'd never advocate Ritalin or related drugs for anyone, let alone children. I recall that there have been NO studies done on what the drugs do to kids prior to the original licensing of Ritalin. Yet, several more recent studies have shown that Ritalin, etc, cause permananent brain damage, and liver damage. The drugs supercharge the brain, and literally burn it out.

I've known a fellow who takes massive quantities of Ritalin as an adult, and even then, he can't function well. His child used to take Ritalin, and got used to it, so that even truly massive doses do nothing for him (like as in nearly fatal overdose is ineffective). He now takes Aderal, and is rapidly becoming used to that too. Next step is probably an illegal drug, since nothing else works. Either that or lobotomize the kid. Very sad state of affairs. They trust the Men in White Lab Coats (MD's) with their very lives, and can't conceive of them doing them wrong.

-- Bill (, February 20, 2000.

I've read recently that certain chemicals or substances in baby food are causing many problems like this in children later on. Also the garbage in all the other processed food we eat. Sounds reasonable to me. I think I found the article on Sightings.

-- Poisons (, February 20, 2000.

IMO, two causes of the rise in ADHD are: the use of Nutra Sweet in everything (since 1985) and the increase in TV viewing (which leads to decrease in attention span)

-- My Opinion (, February 20, 2000.

One commentary on ADD and Ritalin:

The Great A.D.D. Hoax


-- Jerry B (, February 20, 2000.

Your post has to be one of the most idiotic things I"ve read in a long time. The theory that wheat and dairy products are a major cause of children's problems is at the top of the dumb list. Farm kids digest more of these food items than any segment of humanity in this country and they don't suffer these maladies that you listed. The only reason kids suffer Attention Deficit Disorder is because the parents fail to get THEIR ATTENTION! Discipline got thrown out the door 40 years ago with the butter paddle and the leather belt. And remember, most of the time you could scare em into submission! Now the parents try to talk them out of their negative ways. And if that doesn't work, the ole counselor comes into the picture. And if that's not the answer it just has to be ADD or depression! Throw the damn TV away and start cooking a well balanced meal instead of micro-wave crap. Sit down at the dinner table as a whole family and enjoy each other's company with pleasant conversation. It works most of the time.

-- John Thomas (, February 20, 2000.

May I suggest reading "Fit For Life", written by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond.The book talks about milk,milk products and a host of other foods that can cause problems with our bodies. They not only say what problems they cause,but explain in some detail how and what substitutes can be used.

-- Maggie (song, February 20, 2000.

John Thomas..if that were so, then why all the ritalin perscriptions. Sometimes there is a real problem, and most just don't make the connection to their diet. There have been many success stories (see links above) and a diet change helps many people. Perhaps you have never had to deal with an over-active child, so it's easy for you to claim the idea ludicrous. But there are many GOOD parents out there (not the misfits you are claiming, of course they exist too) who have been told by doctors that their children need ritalin. Of course, I would never give my child such drugs, and would prefer a healthy diet approach. Like I said, you probably haven't been there.

Bill, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Just curious...if the drugs aren't working, perhaps that's not what he needs. Has he tried alternative methods, i.e. diet? There is much info out there, lots on the web about this. There is help out there and he is certainly not alone.

As for myself, I am trying this approach with my 4 year-old boy. He is far from hyperactive, but definitely extremely energetic. He was plagued with ear infections since birth. They tapered off as soon as he was taken off bottles of milk (I nursed him to 1 year). He is really really bright, sharp as a tack, curious and eager, very animated and charismatic. But suffers from occasional attacks of temper tantrum (I say attacks because I have never seen anything quite like these before). Certainly not typical. Milk allergy? Could be. The symptoms of food allergies can manifests themselves in many different ways. I, also, was plagued by ear infections as a child so there could be some hereditary factors working here. As of the past few days, we have sworn off of all dairy. I can see some improvement, but it's really too soon to tell for sure.

Thanks everyone for your comments. I think this is a major issue and that many people can benefit from openly discussing it.

-- cin (, February 20, 2000.

I'll tell you why the goverment keeps pumping these little bastards full of wheat and dairy foods, It's good for them. Give me a break these foods cause depression, but leaving the kid at a daycare doesn't bother them a bit I don't think so. Why don't you start raising your own god damn kids and take responiblity for your mistake instead of pointing the finger elsewhere. It's people like you that have kids that go out and shoot up schools.

-- denden (, February 20, 2000.


I PERSONALLY DONT SUPPORT THE THEORIES THAT LINK ADHD, ADD, OR LEARNING DISABILITIES TO FOOD! I DON'T THINK THERE IS A HECK OF ALOT OF RESEARCH THAT SUPPORTS IT. when you only treat these diagnoses as if they were caused by an allergy (do you treat mental retardation as an allergy?), you overlook many possibilities for treatment. plus you lay guilt and an extra burden on the child and parent that may not be necessary. PLUS THE KID MAY NEVER GET THE HELP THEY NEED WHICH CAN HELP THEM BECOME A PRODUCTIVE, HAPPY ADULT. YOU CAN WASTE ALOT OF TIME TRYING THESE VARIOUS DIETS.

There has been alot of research in this area and you can literally see the physical difference (on a brain scan) between the brain of a normal child and one with any of the above diagnoses. This is helpful in determining what is causing the malfunction and selecting the right drug to treat it. Basically it seems that the neurons don't fire correctly. An ADD or ADHD person is BORN NOT MADE AFTER BIRTH. You can see it from the moment they are born. Personally I believe it is our environment that is bringing about these conditions. I think something is affecting the formation of the child's brain during pregnancy. However, I have not studied it so have nothing to back up my presumption.

I have one son who was originally diagnosed with ADD but then later diagosed ADHD. There are excellent mental health professionals and a battery of behavioral tests that can accurately determine the diagnosis. ADD is not a "made up illness" any more than bipolar disorder or some other malfunction of the body or brain chemistry. However, it is sometimes misdiagnosed or confused with other illnesses by people that don't have adequate training or experience in these diagnoses. Also parents make the mistake of staying with a general practitioner for treatment of ADD/ADHD without getting the full battery of behavioral tests that can further pinpoint the real diagnosis. Treatment should include behavioral therapy, accomodations at school and home, and possibly drug therapy. ADD/ADHD are considered disabilities now and, as such, you can receive special help for them. There are even college programs designed to help these kids.

My son did ritalin and had reasonable success till he went through puberty. I then found an incredible guy (psychologist) who specializes in teens with these diagnoses who retested him and put him on 10 mg of ADDERALL with very good success. And he is NOT DRUGGED out. The same drugs that would make you and I high or wired, have a totally different affect on these kids because it completes what their brain does not have.

You have to realize with these kids, they usually don't outgrow the diagnosis. These kids usually have very high IQs or are gifted in other ways.

You need to cut them a break because if you look at the research, they can't operate the way other people do because there are special phenomenon going on that affect their ability to function (i.e., its as if they are receiving multiple tv channels at one time--and where you and i can focus on just one--they can't. everything has equal weight to them so someone whispering in class may be perceived as equal weight with a teacher talking up front. its hard to focus. also they may have a phenomenon called brain "blinks" where they literally can "phase out" for thirty seconds at a time).

TRUST ME--MOST TEACHERS AND SCHOOL SYSTEMS DON'T GET ADD/ADHD AND DON'T WANT TO. IT COSTS MONEY AND TAKES TIME TO ACCOMODATE THESE KIDS. THEY WANT STUDENTS TO BE COOKIE CUTTER VERSIONS SO LIFE IS SIMPLIFIED. i can understand yet they will let these kids fail all the way through school and just be glad to get rid of them. plus by the time the poor kid is out of school, his/her self-esteem is devastated and relationships have suffered.

ADD/ADHD can often manifest itself as depression in adults so if you think you have a history of depression in your family, watch your kids for the possibility of these diagnoses. Life is hard for an ADD/ADHD kid just as it is for a learning disabled child. You need to help them and encourage them in their areas where they are truly gifted. They may not excel at book learning but often they are gifted in "hands on" type of activity. My son gets A if we let him retake classes but typically fails the first time (for classes with heavy reading and that require alot of methodical structure)--so it may take longer for him to graduate. But on the solitary, hands on activities, he really excels. He has become an excellent jazz guitarist in just two years.


-- tt (, February 20, 2000.


please don't have children

-- cin (, February 20, 2000.


I tried to get him and his wife interested in using vitamins/minerals and a different diet. They claimed they'd try it, but I can't even get them to try a multi-vitamin, let alone follow-through on any of the rest of it. Since I don't associate with them anymore, I can't say if there is any improvement, but I seriously doubt it. Total waste of 2 human lives. They are effectively crippled mentally.

-- Bill (, February 20, 2000.

I have had Multiple Sclerosis for 20 years since age 42. During that time I have tried many of the alternative treatments including low fat diet, Hyperbaric Oxygen and total removal of my mercury amalgum dental fillings. None of this has helped. Neither has conventional medicine. I do maintance exercise regularly and I think that has been as valuable as any other single thing. I have finally learned to accept my situation. I live with moderation, do my exercises, enjoy my fiends and pray. Oddly, one of my main prayers is of thanks. The MS has excluded activities that I used to take for granted. But it has also made me a better man, a man I would have never achieved.

I don't counsel defeatism. I still look for new therapies, for me and for my friends. But there are thousands of contradictory, useless and dangerous cures for MS and everything. They all cost money and spiritual energy. Be careful folks.

-- (, February 20, 2000.

John Thomas:

"The only reason kids suffer Attention Deficit Disorder is because the parents fail to get THEIR ATTENTION! Discipline got thrown out the door 40 years ago with the butter paddle and the leather belt."

With all due respect to my elders, I do not think it made this world any better that children were physically abused in your day because they needed discipline. In fact, it is likely the "sins of the father" being repeated causes more abuse than the original sin.

You are entitled to your ignorance, BUT to say an established disease is merely a result of not enough kids getting smacked in the face when they are wrong is outrageuos and I could not let it slip by without comment.

I am sorry your children were subjected to this and that you were subjected to this. I for one will never hit my child.

May God bless you and show you the light.

-- futureshockJohn (gray@matter.think), February 20, 2000.

I am wondering if some of the problems that children & adults are having these days from "food allergies" are more reactions to food additives, colorings, fertilizers, preservatives, etc. etc., rather than to the food itself...

Go to your cabinets and pick out a few cans, jars, the labels..."cotton oil?" (when did we start eating cotton products??), chemicals that you can't pronounce, other chemicals that you can pronounce, but what are they???

If a person/family decides to switch to a more natural, less processed diet, which would include more fresh fruits and vegetables, and more organic products, I think that it might be weeks or even months before a difference in health/attitude/strength/alertness/etc. might be noticable. So a long term commitment to this kind of diet would be necessary....We've been consuming these additives for decades now!

And, I see so many young mothers giving their babies kool-aid, or soda pop in their bottles, and bribing toddlers with sweets. this sets children up for a whole life of different problems, IMO. I guess more education is needed in high school about child development, health, nutrition.

-- Margo (, February 20, 2000.

My answer to 'futureshock John' or what the hell your handle is, I didn't say smack em on the face. If you're going to assume something then know for sure they got smacked on the ass along with most other kids that grew up in the 40s and 50s. It's when your generation came along with it's child rearing ethics that things started going to hell. I'll give you example you can suck on for awhile. How many Amish do you think use your brand of discipline and what percentage of their younger population suffers these problems? After all they were brought up on wheat and dairy products! I'm sure they don't buy Ritalin!

-- John Thomas (, February 20, 2000.

Johnthomas...I have tried "spanking on the butt" as a last resort and guess what...IT DOESN'T WORK. For some of these kids, their mind is reeling and moving so fast, I really don't think they notice a spanking. If it's not under their control, why should they be physically punished?

How about if someone gave you a healthy dose of speed and told you to sit still and listen for hours, and if you didn't, you would be beaten with a belt to "GET YOUR ATTENTION". How possible does that sound? And how fair.

-- cin (, February 20, 2000.

I must agree with Margo. If the food we were eating was just "food" I don't think we would see so many problems. It's all the stuff that's added to our food that gives us heck. I know a trucker who has hauled chemicals in the same tanker he uses for milk and juice. Take a look at any fourth or fifth grade classroom, what percentage of these kids are in early puberty because of steroids in our meat. (Those chickens don't grow that fast naturally.) There was a study done in American Samoa several years ago about the effects of these steroids on kids.

Another problem is trying to make these kids fit the public school picture. They are expected to do every thing just the same as and at the same time as twenty other kids. I can remember being so bored in first grade, I cried every day. My nephew is in first grade now, he spends most days sitting at a desk in the hall because he can't keep his mind on his work. When I help him with his homework, all he ever needs are a few reminders to stay on track. I homeschool my children. It makes so much difference. I realize this is not for every one, but the public system just doesn't work for a lot of kids.

I think we all must realize that there is no "right" way. Things that work for you may not work for me. That doesn't make them wrong. It just means I need to keep looking and find the things that work for me.

-- grannyclampett (, February 20, 2000.

I finally see where everyone is coming from. So if you belive that your children have these disorders due to grain and dairy product consuption, what is the excuse for you? You have obvisously consumed more grain and dairy products in your life than your children.

I belive the problem is caused by over exposer to radition from your hungry man microwave dinners and sitting in front of the TV everyday watching ophrah.

This is just my opinion I could be wrong

-- denden (, February 20, 2000.

Cin, is this your first child? or your first boy? Boys are very different to raise. My sister(whose daughter is on Ritalin for ADHD) tells me all the time that my boys are ADHD. My boys are in need of self-control, which is a learned skill. My youngest is basically a "spaz" but he can sit and play for a half hour with tiny action figures. He will nap and then wake and sit quietly on his church pallet better than either of my other kids, because he was taught to do that. Please don't get me wrong, I am not criticising(sp?) your child rearing. Sometimes, though, I have found that women raised without brothers do not understand boys. Thank God I have a mother-in- law with three sons, she has kept me from tearing my hair out. Also, who says that little kids should be sitting in the classroom for hours at a time at such a young age? When I was stupid enough to work and put my two older kids in daycare my son spent the ENTIRE afternoon, each day, in time out. Well, I finally figured out that the morning teacher had sons and knew how to handle boys and the afternoon teacher was a high-school kid without a clue as to how to handle boys. FWIW:)

Fututreshock John: How dare you assume that spanking is equal to abuse. You have truly been suckered into the mass media's machine. They try/succeed in villanizing spanking by calling it by the wrong name. Spanking is spanking. Hitting, smacking, punching is not the spanking, it is abuse. How dare you equate spanking with slapping a child in the face. When one spanks it is to teach a child right from wrong, when one slaps a child in the face it is to humiliate and signifies a loss of control. Most who would spank their child would be the first to stop REAL child abuse to another child. Shame on you.

-- Just Curious (, February 21, 2000.

Cin, by the way, I agree to an extent about the problems due to food allergies. One of my sons is allergic to red food dye and MSG, boy has my life been easier since I figured that out. Organic whole wheat(that you grind yourself) and raw milk may be easier on the little systems if they must have wheat and dairy. I myself am allergic to wheat.

-- Just Curious (, February 21, 2000.

And FutureshockJohn, FYI, as a rule we don't spank our kids. My husband is a "lecturer" and I am a "chore assigner". I'm sure some days they would rather be spanked(& get it over with) than listen to Dad for an hour or scrub toilets for me. I am just FED UP with "you people" mischaracterizing spanking.

-- Just Curious (, February 21, 2000.


I have 2 boys. One is 15, and yes I have been through this before. The boys are completely different, my eldest being very mellow by comparison.

-- cin (, February 21, 2000.

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