Just got Adaptec Videoh! Quality is horrible. Can someone help?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I just got an Adaptec Videoh! MPEG capture device. It is brand new, never used. I tried the best scenario--a high quality SVHS tape with S-Video connector at the highest bitrate (3mbps) and the quality is still very shitty! I am using the latest software for this unit.

Any way I could improve it?


-- MrVCD (mrvcd@juno.com), February 19, 2000


Have you tried it with the M-filter? I have a Vitec RT-6 and an M- filter...now i can produced S-VHS quality VCD on the fly....I love the M-filter!!!! I'll tried it with the Dazzle next and the ATI is on the list....

-- lnguyen (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), February 19, 2000.

Of course it is horrible. It better be for something with zero support anyway. I've said somewhere that's Adaptec's version of Dazzle. M-filter is one good thing to have because even in a non-VCD setting it can straightaway clean noisy video up even if it is simply going to be re-recorded back onto analogue VHS tape. But it is expensive, and the filtering options present in Panasonic clean up the noise in the source AVIs about just as effectively.

-- EMartinez (epmartinez@yahoo.com), February 20, 2000.

EMartinez, yes I read your posting and I am surprised someone could buy after reading it.

-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), February 20, 2000.

M-filter = 399.00 us dollars about as much if you were to buy the software. It's a good friend to have for your video capture needs. www.bernclare.com has it on sale....

-- lnguyen (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), February 20, 2000.

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