Ethics Check : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

OK, Ladies & Gentlemen

Here is a chance to check out what you may have learned in any Ethics classes you may have taken. This is the situation you face:

You receive in the mail, a letter from the State Corrections Office that is asking you to give a job reference for one of your neighbors. This sounds normal enough, but wait until you hear about this particular neighbor.

The neighbor, a young lady by birth, is a practicing Lesbian. In fact she practices this so hard, that she has changed her physical appearance and dress so that she appears to be a man to anyone who does not know her background. She has, to your knowledge, passed herself off as a man on multiple occasions so as not to upset her many girlfriends' families.

The letter you received lists her first name as that of a man, rather than her given (feminine) first name, so it appears she is trying to pass herself off as a man again to this prospective employer. It is possible that she may have had her name changed legally, but you are not sure of this.

What Do You Say on Your Reply to the Corrections Office when it asks "if you know of any circumstances which might disqualify the candidate from public service"? And when it asks "would you recommend the applicant for a position in the field of Law Enforcement"?

By the way, she(?) is applying for a position as a Prison guard - for which her attitude and physic make her well-qualified for.

What do you say, Brethren & Sistern?

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2000


I will not knowingly support and assist in such deception. My integrity and (if I am a minister) that of my ministry and church would be on the line. I must speak the truth here.

Now, why do I feel like you're setting us up for something else?

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2000

(2 Th 3:11 KJV) "For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies."

-- Anonymous, February 18, 2000

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