if you encode at 2500 for vcd and use Panasonic encoder

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i was having some problems with this. i would at some point during conversion get this message "video data rate or vbr (video buffer rate)is to small". here is what i do i capture at 2900 or 3000 bit then convert it to mpeg system (for the variable bitrate other then 115)using the Panasonic encoder. Then i used my NTI cd maker (it lets different bit rates encode for vcd format)and i play it. I found a solution that works to fix the problem. click on the "advance settings", then click "manual" on the "vbv buffer size" option. change the rate to 150. this will make your file work with no problems. it also played in my pioneer 525 and apex ad600a fine. If this rate is too small you get the error message and if its too high your audio skips when played. i narrowed it down to 166 and at 166 it still barely skipped. the 150 works great. So if anyone has encountered this problem that is how i fixed it.--thanks

-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), February 17, 2000



You know you have adressed a problem that not too many people face (because alot of people either capture in AVI then go to MPG or just encode at VCD type MPG), yet still big enough of a problem to fix.

I personally encode at high bitrate MPG then encode to VCD MPG's simply becase capturing at VCD MPG's gives crappy quality no matter what capture device it is (and I speak for alot of people that do).

I too got this error but now that there is a fix, i dont have to resort to using LSX or god forbid XING (I used it once and never again!!!)

In short thanx for the tip!!! It really helps out!!!

Don't you just love it when someone does something for the benefit of the VCD community than just themselves?

-- MrVCD (mrvcd@juno.com), February 18, 2000.


-- ggrfdgd (pippo@tiscsli.it), September 20, 2001.

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