Nikon F90 vs N90 : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Can someone help me? Is there any major differences between the Nikon F90 and the N90? I know the F series is the European model. Is there any functional differences between the two?


-- Kevin B. Finigan (, February 17, 2000


Hi Kevin

You'll get many definitive answers if you post your question on the Nikon users list:

-- Asher (, February 20, 2000.

There's a camera equipment discussion forum here that would be a better place to ask, too. :)

The N90 is the American F90. It's the F90 in all nations of the world except the U.S. They are precisely identical in all other respects.

-- Jim MacKenzie (, March 17, 2000.

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