Consumer and Clean Energy Advocates Team up with Utilities to Promote Green Power in Wisconsin (BUSINESS WIRE) : LUSENET : Sustainable Business & Living iForum : One Thread

Consumer and Clean Energy Advocates Team up with Utilities to Promote Green Power in Wisconsin

Group Takes Action in Support of Path-breaking Accreditation for Utility Green Choice Programs

Updated 6:05 AM ET February 14, 2000

[Fair Use: For Educational/Research Purposes Only]

MADISON, Wis. (BUSINESS WIRE) - A coalition of utilities and environmental groups announced today the creation of a third-party recognition initiative for utility renewable energy programs in Wisconsin.

The announcement marked a heightened commitment to accelerate the green power markets that are taking off nationwide. The Wisconsin group will work under the auspices of a national Accreditation Initiative for Green Pricing Programs, sponsored by the non-profit Center for Resource Solutions, to set Wisconsin-specific standards for recognizing "best practice" utility programs in the state.

Utility green pricing, or green choice, programs enable utility consumers to purchase electricity from renewable energy resources. Since the first green choice program was introduced in 1996, 16,000 customers have switched in Wisconsin. In addition to purchasing electricity from existing renewable resources, consumer choice is sparking new renewable development in Wisconsin beyond that required by state mandates.

"Wisconsin is clearly a leader in a phenomenon we're seeing all over the country -- allowing consumers to purchase green power will no doubt increase investment in new renewable energy resources," said Karl Rabago, Chair of the Accreditation Initiative's independent national governing board.

To receive Accreditation, utility programs must meet a series of stringent environmental and customer protection criteria, including use of "new" renewable resources. The Accreditation Initiative complements work by state regulators to ensure that customers receive electricity from the green power resources they are promised. The meetings and partnerships between utilities and local consumer and environmental advocates is a crucial part of the Accreditation Initiative because it allows these diverse stakeholders to jointly set the standard for green power.

"This meeting was a important first step in coming up with a standard for green power that can be used in Wisconsin and throughout the Midwest," said Michael Vickerman, director of RENEW Wisconsin. "We were very pleased with the results."

Chris Schoenherr of Wisconsin Electric said, "We are committed to offering consumers a green power option and proud to be considered a leader in the green pricing arena. Accreditation will enhance consumer confidence in our product, which in turn increases its value to our customers. Partnering with the environmental community is a key component in giving consumers that assurance and added value."

The Green Pricing Accreditation Initiative is sponsored by the Center for Resource Solutions (CRS), a non-profit organization dedicated to economic and environmental sustainability. Based in San Francisco's Presidio, CRS administers national and international programs that preserve and protect the environment through the design of innovative strategies and increased utilization of appropriate technologies. CRS directs the Green-e Program, a renewable energy certification program for restructured electricity markets. Dr. Jan Hamrin founded CRS and serves as the Executive Director. More information is available at

Contact: Center for Resource Solutions Seth Baruch, 415/561-2100 or RENEW Wisconsin Michael Vickerman, 608/255-4044

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2000

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