City hall pays employees twice over computer foul-up (OH) : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

City Hall pays employees twice over computer foul-up

The Associated Press 02/17/00 1:25 AM Eastern

CLEVELAND (AP) -- Hundreds of municipal employees received double paychecks when a computer error caused nearly $2 million in extra payouts.

City employees who have direct-deposit accounts were mistakenly paid twice.

The problem started last week when a computer malfunctioned while employees were entering payroll data, said Nancy Lesic, spokeswoman for Mayor Michael R. White.

Technicians thought correct amounts had been deposited despite the glitch, but discovered afterward that normal deductions had not been made, Lesic said.

New checks were issued, along with a directive to void the initial deposits. But for reasons that still are unclear, no void took place.

The city expected to have all accounts corrected by today, Lesic said.

Earlier this month, State Auditor Jim Petro released an audit of the city's 1998 accounting practices showing that more than a year after mistakenly wiring $613,000 to a nonprofit group the city still wasn't balancing its accounts every month.

-- Homer Beanfang (, February 17, 2000


This is the same bunch that "lost" over $6 million in allegedly mailed checks a while back. Hmmmmm....

-- Powder (, February 17, 2000.

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