What is the "cup" in Jesus' prayer?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

I have heard varying ideas on this and was wondering what your general thoughts are on what the "cup" is in Jesus' prayer in the garden of Gethsemane. This isn't intended to be any controversial post, just wondering your thoughts.

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2000


The cup of suffering.

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2000

I'm with Duane. But I guess I'm wondering what else it could possibly be. What are the other "varying ideas?"

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2000

I have heard it proposed that when Jesus prayed that the cup would pass from Him, that he was actually praying that He would survive the night. He knew that He HAD to die on the cross (in order for His death to be effective for Salvation - He had to become a curse in our stead) and he wanted to make sure that He would survive the beatings & scourgings that He would receive after being taken captive.

I'm not real sure I prescribe 100% to that idea, but it is very thought provoking, at the very least.

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2000


But he forsaw the suffering that was to come when God turned his back on him when he took on the sins of mankind. I think the physical suffering was nothing to compare with the loss of communion with God the father. I wish I felt more that way. It is so easy for physical suffering to pull my attention away and walk away from communion with God.

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2000

I know one thing for certain ... it wasn't the Grail! =)

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2000

The "cup" was the will of the Father for Jesus at that moment of his life (which included suffering). That is also why he ended his prayer with the words: "yet not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42).

-- Anonymous, February 29, 2000

Hi! First timer here! I had always been taught that Jesus was praying for the burden of the cross to be lifted if it was God's will. But have since heard some new ideas and have been persuaded to believe them. It makes sense that perhaps Satan was trying to kill Jesus before it was time for Him to die on the cross. We see this time and time again as Satan used crowds and mobs of angry people to try to end Jesus' life through stoning Him, but Jesus always escaped. Perahps that night in the garden, Jesus was being faced with a disease or condition that Satan through at him to try to end His life once more...perhaps a heart condition (hence the drops of blood through sweat). This would make sense as to why the angels had to come down from heaven to minister to Him (Luke 22:43). It would also doesn't make sense that this prayer Jesus is praying is a prayer to avoid the cross if you think about it. Just a few chapters prior, when Peter suggests to Jesus that you will not be killed, Jesus replies, "Get thee behind me Satan!" Jesus knew His purpose. The one verse which really convinced me about the whole "Jesus praying that He wouldn't die before He reached the cross" is found in Hebrews 5:7. "During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and HE WAS HEARD because of His reverent submission." The only way that Jesus' prayer would have been heard/answered is if He was praying that He wouldn't die before it was time. If he prayed that He be spared the cross, then His prayer wasn't heard!

Just some humble thoughts,

Mark Nichols

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2000

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