Photojournalism in the year 2030 : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

Hi! I4m a Communications student of the University of Puerto Rico, Rmo Piedras Campus. My native language is Spanish, so excuse my English, please! I have to do an investigation about how will be the photo- journalism in the future, specially in the next 30 years. I need to have an idea about the tools that the photojournalists will be using and how the profession will be in the year 2030. I know that is very difficult to see the future, but may be a photojournalist can tell me where or how I can obtain more information. Thanks for read my message, I will wait for your answer. !Muchas gracias y que Dios les bendiga! Sincerly, Liz Arelis Cruz Maisonave

-- Liz Arelis Cruz Maisonave (, February 15, 2000


Hola amiga latinoamericana, es un gusto poder hablar espaqol, realmente no tengo la respuesta a tu pregunta, y creo que nadie la tiene. En un mundo tan rapido como en el que vivimos no sabemos que demonios puede pasar. Eso sm en cuanto a fotografma hay una certeza, es mi humilde opinisn, y creo que las camaras digitales no estan a la altura de las convencionales, no las niego, pero les falta mucho. Ademas sus precios son ridmculos (si hablamos de las mas confiables y pro). Otra certeza es que el B&W no va a morir nunca. Te mando un beso enorme de aca de Buenos Aires, escribime haber que pensas.

-- Mariano Rennella (, February 15, 2000.

I think it is very difficult to tell the future now considering the rate things are moving.I hope to see major changes especially with cameras and films.The changes will be very big and we should expect to be using small camera which will be able to do everything compared to the big EOS Cameras that we have been boasting about especially with Agency and international Photographers. Thank you but expect more changes

-- Salim Henry (, September 26, 2002.

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