Do I need something special to use the Kodak battery recharger in Egypt. : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am leaving March 1 for Egypt. I will be in Cario and on a cruise ship on the nile for 10 days. Can I recharge my batteries each night and what do I need to do this with. My charger is for the Kodak 290 camera and I will be using Kodak batteries. What should I buy to I can recharge and be ready for the next day? Help please. I have asked Kodak but they have not returned my message.

-- Jacqueline McKinney (, February 14, 2000


There can be only two things that can be different, the voltage and plug. Does your recharger have a voltage selection or auto sensing? ie. does it read 110-120v or 220v-240v or 110-240v? If does have a selection, then you you'd be safe if it was a different voltage.

But in any case, I would suggest (if you're in US or using US type two pin plugs) that you get a travel kit adapter sold in most stores... they should come with almost every imaginable adapter to fit your case as well as a step-down transformer from 220v to 110v for your 110v appliances...


-- Keat Lim (, February 15, 2000.

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