Nature's News Brief for Feb. 14, 2000 : LUSENET : Sustainable Business & Living iForum : One Thread

Cyanide spill -- was it just the weather? ... Indiana Department of Environmental Management logging time spent answering questions about White River fish kill ... pallid sturgeon making a comeback in the Lower Missouri River ... EPA probing Chicago lab for mishandling tests and falsifying records ... 18 new items that can be made with recycled materials added to the Federal Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines ... UNCTAD and Greenpeace spar over dumping of toxic waste in Asia ... fight in the U.N. over forestry treaty ... Crude oil hits $30 per barrel, gas prices this summer could be the highest ever ... Chinese cancer treatment breakthrough ... PETA going after leather next ... Australian researchers say that "claims that global warming will melt polar ice caps and flood much of Britain have been wildly exaggerated"

Nature's News

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000


Thanks Patrick!


-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

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