Graflex Photography : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I have been wondering for quite some time... Do all photographers have to bear the burden of the "Jimmie Olson" jokes while using their Graflex cameras, or is it just me??? Any input would be helpful.

-- Dave Richhart (, February 14, 2000



And every time a there's a hot new film wtih Graflexes in it, like "The Hurricane" it will start all over again.

Of course, there are things you can do with a Graflex that can't be done with any other camera I can afford! and besides, I love the jokes.


-- Brian Yarvin (, February 14, 2000.

Just remember, when they want to show a "real" camera, they bring out the Graflex, with the large flash unit. That's what the public associates with "professional". Anybody can use one of those rinky- dinky little 35s.

-- Alec (, February 15, 2000.

I sat mine on a tripod in Gas Works Park in Seattle, and a stranger came up and asked me how much I charged for my photos. There does seem to be something about these cameras they associate with professionals.

-- david clark (, February 16, 2000.

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