Can blockiness of image on panning be reduced? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi-- I have made my first good quality VCD and I am thrilled. I am using Megapeg trial version to convert my Quicktime files (made by my Intro DV editing program) to MPEG1 and then burning the VCD with WinOnCD 3.6. The results are great except on pans where there is a noticiable blockiness. Questions: Can anything be done to reduce the distortion on pans? Can the VCD quality be raised even if this means fewer minutes of video per disk? WinCD makes a MPEG2 plug in, can this be used to make a still higher quality VCD or in effect a DVD on standard CR-R? I use a Pioneer 525 for playback. Finally, I can't afford to spring $250.00 or more for an encoder--any cheaper possibilities out there? My WinCD has a built in MPEG encoder, but the input must be an avi file and I am working with Quicktime. Suggestions?
-- John Agria (, February 14, 2000
JohnThank you for mentioning that you have trouble with pans. It is possible to fix that but you need to change the software your using.
I have a friend in the States that had similar problems with the conversion of his .mov files, he in fact was using Digigami and I got him to try the Panasonic encoder and the results changed straight away. Your encoder in my tests is way down on the Panasonic. I have gotten around my panning problems by changing the host program I use for the encoding - But I am PAL and whilst I have NTSC experience in stills I do not have any hands on in NTSC video, so no comment.
Someone else may like to comment on your remaining questions most of which have been discussed here at great length.
-- Ross McL (, February 14, 2000.
My job is a VCD Maker (Because in Indonesia-Asia is popular format). May be this tips can help you for panning camera problem. VCD format use frame (compare with normal video is interlaced - 2 field/frame. That is only half pictures can grabbed in VCD. You can use your camera with shutter speed 50 (PAL) or 60 (NTSC. The pictures look blurred but if you transfer to VCD you see better). Best Regards, Freddy Djena
-- Freddy Djena (, February 15, 2000.