GTE vs GTE new : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

Hi every one,

Can someone tell me what are the differences between the new GTE and the old GTE? It seems that the cosmetic have changed (the red GTE is removed for example), but what about the other specifications?

Philippe POINCOT.

-- Philippe POINCOT (, February 13, 2000


En dehors des diffirences esthitiques (bontier gris, attributs noirs), le GT-E "new" apporte le systhme de la ligne verte. Des rephres verts sur les bagues tant fixes que mobiles de diaph et de MAP permettent, une fois alignis, de caler l'appareil sur le diaph et l'hyperfocale convenant ` la majoriti des sujets (f:8, 2-20 m).

Apart from cosmetic differences (grey body, black buttons), the "new" GT-E gives the green line system. Consisting of green marks on the diaphragm, focusing and static rings, this system pre-sets the Minox to the diaphragm and the distance which are convenient for the major subjects (f:8, 2-20 m).

-- JL ROBERT (, March 28, 2000.

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