Emmy tapes

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread

I have a copy of 3 Emmy tapes that was submitted last year for E.R. They have nice packaging that Constant C put together. They are just collecting dust on my shelf. If anyone is interested and wanted to pay shipping, I would be happy to give them away. Please let me know.


Ted Hammond

-- Ted Hammond (Musikology@yahoo.com), February 12, 2000


Can you describe the content of these tapes?

-- Belinda (bkong@umich.edu), February 12, 2000.

Two part episode on one tape called "The Storm parts 1 and 2"(Submitted for Best Series) 2 episodes on a tape, one for Anthony, one for George. 2 episodes on a tape, 1 for Noah, 1 for Kelli.

-- Ted Hammond (Musikology@yahoo.com), February 12, 2000.

If by any chance you still have the emmy tapes I could take them of your hands.

-- Theoni Lebessis (theoni@ihug.com.au), July 08, 2001.

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