What is Carter going to do?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread

What is Carter going to do about Lucy's death? How will he get over it? Poor Lucy. Poor John.

-- first time er fan_GD (im_feelin_good@hotmail.com), February 11, 2000


Are we sure Lucy will die? What a terrible way to go! That episdoe really troubled me, Kellie Martin did an INCREDIBLE job acting - she looked so helpless, so scared, like she knew she was dying!

-- Crystal (CGates@Hemar-Rousso.com), February 11, 2000.

Yes, Lucy will die. Everyone was expecting that, but it was masterful plot work, using Carter's stabbing to suprise even the most die hard fans.

-- HI (RachelRR@ivillage.com), February 11, 2000.

Since it's pretty certain that Lucy will die, I'm sure there are going to be some big Carter story lines. I'm sure he will feel very guilty because he wan't there. Mark kept on reminding him that he had to supervise Lucy. Maybe if he had been there the stabbing wouldn't have happened. He is going to have some hard times ahead.

-- Rachel (operagrrl@worldnet.att.net), February 12, 2000.

Carter is going to go through hell for awhile. Did anyone happen to catch his facial expression in next weeks preview. I assume he is looking at Lucy terrified and concerned. Like them or not as a possible couple these two had some sort of connection the looks in both their eyes in the last scene said it

-- Anne (Anne575@aol.com), February 13, 2000.

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