mpeg2 to mpeg1 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

what software encoder can convert mpeg2 to mpeg1? thought it was panasonic, but my version only accepts avi. anyone know the website for the panasonic encoder?

-- ndumu (, February 11, 2000


-- Guy Nicholson (, February 12, 2000.

Hi ndumu,

Go to "" website and download "FlaskMPEG" version 0.52 (including docs). It is simply the software I've ever used. It works with Panasonic MPEG Encoder Adobe Plugin 2.01. But it is not a DVD ripper! It can't convert protected files like DVD movies.


Josi Sebastico Chaves.

-- Jose Sebastico Chaves (, February 16, 2000.

Hi ndumu,

Go to "" website and download "FlaskMPEG" version 0.52 (including docs). It is simply the best software to convert MPEG2 to MPEG1 or AVI files I've ever used. It works with Panasonic MPEG Encoder Adobe Plugin 2.01. But it is not a DVD ripper! It can't convert protected files like DVD movies.


Josi Sebastico Chaves.

-- Jose Sebastico Chaves (, February 16, 2000.

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