Philips DVD 710 "-VCD- ff, rew, time display problem" : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
This message is about Philips DVD units with VCD problems reported by other users. My "homemade" VCD's:1.- Only STOP, PLAY, PAUSE, SLOW MOTION functions are enabled. 2.- Can not rewind, forward. 3.- No time, tracks, index appears in DVD unit display. 4.- By cause of above I can't use the Chapter/Index buttons and others functions of remote control.
I use many software to burn VCDs (WinOnCD, VideoPack, Nero, Easy CD, NTI ...) and I obtain the same results. Also I use many compression software as Xing, Panasonic, LSX ...
I solve the ff, rew issue changing the "1 per GOP" Seq Interval parameter in Xing. (Thanks -Mathias-)
Any advances about time display and other problems?
I test with original VideoCDs (1.1) and all works ok!!! I suspect that VideoCD 2.0 is the problem. Today Burning Software makes VideoCDs 2.0.
I don't know any burn software for VideoCD 1.1
My DVD firmware version is updated to (C) Philips 990702 8.0
-- Pedro Torres (, February 11, 2000
Do you also have problems witht he video freezing up at various other places during playback. I had a Philips and everyone here that had one experienced the same problems. I returned mine the other day and exchanged it for a Pioneer. All the problems have been resolved. Not only do they play flawlessly but everyone function on remote appears to be working as well. Philips DVD service number is 800-705-2000
-- Al McCraw (, February 11, 2000.
I haven't never played more than 10 minutes of VideoCD because of different problems, so the freezing up problem hasn't appeared to me yet. I'm from Spain. Philips Support Number is 902 11 33 84. I've sent them my DVD unit and I still have no answer.Bye.
-- Pedro Torres (, February 11, 2000.
I have the same FF/REW no Track Details problem with a Philips DVD718 playing my adaptec EZCD4 / LIGOS Encoded Home Movie VCD'sThey play fine (for half an hr or more) but I have to watch the whole thing. Only function that works is pause!
BUT in Australia the DVD718 says Firmware Upgradeable on the box. Maybe there is hope for me....
-- B. Gene Rogash (, February 12, 2000.
I have same problem with Philips DVD 750 & Nero / Adaptec EZ Creator. Runs well on other DVD players, but not on my Philips.Anybody knows the solution for this problem???
-- bbq (, December 15, 2000.
I have 710 and VCD REW/FF works with correct settings. First of all, you have to have newest firmware 9.23 and then you have to set one option correctly in setup (can't remember the name). This option didn't exist at all with 9.21 firmware so you should be able to find it easily.P.S. To play SVCD with european units first set the player to region 1 with those "25 times limit" codes and then apply the codefree hack (needs Palm/OneForAll/Philips Pronto). Plays VCD/SVCD and all DVD regions...
-- Antti Toivonen (, January 30, 2001.
Howdy, I solved a number of problems by simply upgrading the firmware to my Philips DVD 710. It was v8.00 originally, and the latest was a freaky 09.25, with question marks as the date of release, so I thought play it safe and take the common 09.23.After hours of trying to find it on the internet, I scored at some spanish page at
and put it on my server:
Just extract the two files to a directory, and then with your fave CDROM burning software burn them to a disc, USING ISO 9660 MODE 2/XA. At least Nero can do this without a problem.
Then just insert the CD into the philips, and let it update itself. This can take about 5 minutes, and seems to get "stuck" from time to time, but it's doing something. When it's done, it'll say "DONE" and open it's tray, and the DVD should be firmware 9.23.
This patch should work on a great number of devices, Philips models 700/710/718/720/725/730/825/930/935/960 and Grundig GVD-110.
Hope this helps anyone with a Philips DVD and problems. Please let me know if this solved problems, by email.
Note: I'm not responsible if your DVD device goes blank because of this patch, all I'm saying is that it worked on my Philips DVD 710. Use on your own responsibility.
-- Jussi Tawaststjerna (, July 09, 2001.