Male nude - backlight : LUSENET : People Photography : One Thread

I don't really have anything interesting to say about this picture. A very straightforward art nude.

-- Peter Hughes (, February 10, 2000


As I look at the post on my monitor, it looks very dark, not at all like the print. Check out: for a Page on my Site devoted to just this image.

-- Peter Hughes (, February 10, 2000.

The most interesting thing about it is his left hand. It's framed perfectly and I would want to crop a vertical rectangle that removed the ligh sky patches at top right and the bright flowers at left and the bottom like it is or just above the grasses.

All the grass, lens flare and that bright sky at right top keeps my eye jumping around to inconsequential things.

Nice recognition of a good opportunity, the pose is well assumed.I might want a little more of the missing shoulder, or not... t

-- tom meyer (, February 10, 2000.

The only negative thing I can say is I wish it was a little longer in composition, maybe with the guy's neck showing. I just don't like the bluntness of the crop on the top. But I think that has more to do with what I like personally rather than something objective, so just take it as such Peter. ps the guy makes a really good model. He'd be great for studio nude studies.

-- shawn gibson (, February 12, 2000.

I wanna see his whole face, actually.

-- shawn gibson (, February 12, 2000.

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