Childish Insults : LUSENET : Jan : One Thread

I know I'm ripping this question off from Xeney today, but I'm curious. Do you think of yourself as a bitchy person? And if so, are you OK with that?

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000


Response to Are you a total bitch?

I don't think your as smart as you say you are.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

Response to Are you a total bitch?

It's "you're", not "your".

N.B. If you're going to make a spelling/grammar/intelligence flame, you probably want to check your spelling/grammar/intelligence before you click "send".

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

Response to Are you a total bitch?

Really? Then check your Journal, Dammit is spelled Damn it.... but then your the smart one.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

Response to Are you a total bitch?

I'm rubber and you're glue and everything you say bounces off of me and sticks onto you! Liar liar pants on fire, nose is as long as a telephone wire! I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you, I throw up!

There. Sorry. Had to get that out.

Bitch test. Well, I TRIED to take it three separate times, and each time my fookin' browser CRASHED RIGHT AT THE END. So I have no official percentage of bitchiness yet. But I could give you a rough estimate! ;)

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

Response to Are you a total bitch?

I give Carolyn an unofficial 86% on the Bitch Scale.

Also, Carolyn, in the face of your devastating "I am rubber, you are glue" remarks, I will simply add this:

Nanny nanny boo boo, nanny nanny boo boo. I'm smart and you're not, I'm smart and you're not. What, are you gonna go home and cry to your Mommy? I bet you are. Look at the big baby crying for his Mommy!


-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

I'm not a bitch... unless we're "role-playing" that night. And to the rude poster:

Takes one to know one! You pizzaface! You pantysniffer! You monkeyspanker! You momma's boy! You North Dakotan!

You climbed up a ladder and you heard something splatter! DI----A----RRHE----A

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

Adam, if you want to be somebody's bitch for a night maybe you should discuss it with your special someone.

I also just want to say: Hey, jerky boy, it's too bad that when God was passing out brains you thought he said trains and you said you didn't want any!

S-L-A-M spells "slam".

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

Am I a bitch? I scored 34%, that's leaving 58% of the people taking the test bitchier than I am. But, to be honest, I found the questions kind of blah. I get the same amount of points for raking some guy during oral sex as I do for pushing someone in a wheelchair into wet cement? LAME. And as far as childish insults go, my favourite will always be, "You're the load mom should have swallowed."

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

Or, "the best part of you ran down your Daddy's leg." I've always been partial to that one.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

I'm 34% bitch, not even (fucking) Canadian, and a victim of net-poll- bias. I would, however, like to point out, that I've never been someone's "bitch." Unless you talk to Bertha. But don't bring up Bertha. Bad memories.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

Okay, so I decided to kill a few minutes and took the Bitch Test too... with a staggering 54% bitchiness score! (It must have been that one time I used my teeth, and maybe the close proximity to Canada.) Only 10% of the world's bitches have more attitude... who's bitchier than me, come on, lemme hear ya!

Here's a little late nite limerick I made up... cuz I was simultaneously bored and inspired:

Some dumbasses like to "enhance" The forum with pointless rants They only mean harm But they've got the charm Of skidmarks in my underpants

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

I'll have you know that I was only 63% bitch. ;)

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2000

63% bitch is not too shabby, considering that 52% bitchy was bitchier than 87% of other respondents.

I say, hail to thee Carolyn, Queen of Bitches. Or something.

And uh, that's a great limerick there, Adam. I was just thinking the other day, "Wow, this forum needs more limericks."

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2000

Is that a hint, Jan? =) Coop, with brains, size: small
Pesters with an irrelevant call
He bugs real bad
But it's really quite sad
He's the biggest bitch of them all

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2000

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