greenspun.com : LUSENET : APA Division 47 Exercise and Sport Psychology : One Thread

Is there a ranking of sport psychology grad programs? THe Directory of Graduate Programs in Sport Psychology gives no rankings, and I would like to know which ones are reputable. Thanks!

-- Thea Stoll (ts176@barnard.columbia.edu), February 07, 2000


Thea, If they are in the book they should tell you whether or not they are an accreditted program. You also need to look at their univeristy web page and find out about the faculty and their background. It also depends on whether you want to go the route of research or applied sport psychology and what area of interest you have. YOu want to get in a program where the faculty has the same interests you do. If you have any questions please let me know I am in the graduate program at Western Washington University and know some information about other schools. mandy

-- mandy brandt (MandyBrandt75@hotmail.com), February 12, 2000.

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