What's the Best MPEG-1 Editor that doesn't recompress?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I was wondering, what is the best MPEG-1 editing software that doesn't use recompression (recompression meaning that when editing mpeg's, it decompresses, and recompresses, thereby taking alot of time to re-render the MPEG)?

I was told Ifilm edit is a great editor that doesn't use recompression. But however I once used it to edit a VCD 2.0 compliant MPEG and once that was edited, the same MPEG was not VCD 2.0 compliant!!!!

Can anyone offer any suggestions?

-- MrVCD (mrvcd@juno.com), February 07, 2000


To what I know, IFilmEdit is currently the best MPEG-1 editing software. The edited video is source-dependent. If the source is vcd 2.0 compliant, so will be the output. That's according to its online help. But I realised from experience that you must manually set its Preferences menu to VideoCD Mode, Video CD or Video CD Zeroes if you wanted vcd output. The Zeroes mode represents vcd 2.0.

-- Daniel Lee (siangneng@sp.edu.sg), February 07, 2000.

Broadway claims to have come out with a MPEG real time editor that is now included with their encoder.

-- Al McCraw (amccraw@ix.netcom.com), February 07, 2000.

has anyone noticed that when an mpg is ran through ifilmedit, the colors of the new file are VERY differenty from the original? i dont think its my systems - they look that way on all 3. maybe an email campaign can get that rectified.

-- ndumu (ndumu@hotmail.com), February 07, 2000.

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