Anyone know of authorised VCD distributors in Asia? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I'm trying to locate VCD distributors in Asia to import into NZ and sell over the internet. Can anyone supply me with web addresses or contacts?
-- Rachael Manson (, February 07, 2000
goto they sell cheap original vcd. Also they do wholesaler. You should approach them and maybe they will give you a good discount on bulk
-- bryan (, April 13, 2000.
Dear Sir,I'm wholesaler for original VCD & DVD.May I help you?
-- Louis Ong (, April 14, 2000.
You are ? give me you're website name or the website that sells your vcd
-- Kenny.K (, January 28, 2001.
See for an unbiased review of the best vcd retailers (who incidentally sell all of the star wars movies on vcd for around $28 the picture quality is excellent.) = VCD Central
General advice - if it's not listed here don't buy from them!!! Please email me if you want any further tips or advice on buying VCD's.
-- Waynne Smith (, January 28, 2001.
The last guest is way overpriced. You can get the entire star wars collection on VCd for $15 at newvcds or on DVD for $17. Email them at
-- sara cable (, April 15, 2001.