More loony stuff that the dung-beetles insist on deleting - Doomer words, not mine... : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Deleted Thread : One Thread

Methinks another nitwit Doomer posted this, but some polly could be yanking my chain...

"The only reason Pro was right was because he got LUCKY because that's all it's really about is pure unadulterated LUCK and that's why the pollies were right, even though the doomers were MUCH smarter and predicted everything with far more skill and intelligence, but they just happened to be wrong because everything was all about LUCK and nothing else and that's why the pollys appeared to be right but of course, they weren't REALLY right, because they were totally WRONG because it's the "Y"2K problem and the fat lady hasn't sung yet, in fact she hasn't even warmed up her vocal chords to sing about all the problems with gold skyrocketing and all of the Y2K embedded chip air disasters and oil refinery explosions and they're only getting bigger and bigger and soon the bubble will burst and everyone will die." -- (breathe@in.out), February 05, 2000.

I think this one might be a keeper...

-- Y2K Pro (, February 05, 2000

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