What cheers you up after a long day?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Do you have a routine? Does it involve alcohol, exercise, sex, or bad television? Do you cheer up as soon as you're out of the office, or does it take you a while to wind down?

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2000


The drive home usually cheers me up, especially if I have good CDs in tow.

I like to come home and sit down, either veg on TV or read my e- mail. If the man or the dog bug me when I get home, I get really irritated.

I like something to be cleaner than it was when I left for work that morning, but that rarely happens. That will guarantee instant bootie for the man, but I don't think he's figured that out yet.

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2000

Time by myself is the one thing -- whether it's writing, reading, snoozing...time by myself makes me right again.

-- Anonymous, February 05, 2000

A joyous greeting, every time. That's what cheers me up when I come home. You're right about puppies. Even when they're pushing me to my limits, they're so full of love, I can hardly stand it.

The joyous greeting I get in the morning does *not* cheer me up: I just want to get the little bastards outside so I can have some peace and quiet fer godsakes, grumble, grumble.

I didn't say I was reasonable.

-- Anonymous, February 06, 2000

Nothing makes me happier than a pizza and my two cats on the couch with some good TV. Life is so simple for me!

-- Anonymous, February 06, 2000

My dogs always cheer me up. One of them will curl up to me and show me how they love me. I can be at my wits end and the dog will bring me back to life. I can't resist any of their cuteness!


-- Anonymous, February 06, 2000

Usually, I go to the gym right after work, so I take out any leftover frustrations on the weight machines. It really helps me separate work and home, because I have this physical barrier (the gym) along with the mental barrier that I try to set up.

Then I go home and maybe surf the 'net a little, or watch some TV with my sweetie, or make dinner. All of those things help me to unwind at the end of the day. If the day was particularly traumatic, sometimes I throw in a hot bath too -- really, there's nothing like a hot bath when you're irritable and cranky. Especially with bubbles.

Mmmmm, bubbles.

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2000

Any period of time that 3 children aren't pulling on my arm and my husband isn't demanding something.

I go to church on Wednesday nights for alot more than spirtual reasons. Nobody bothers me for an entire hour. Peaceful, quiet. Two things you will NOT find in my house.


Reading children's books also.

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2000

Changing into comfortable clothes. Not that I have to dress up for work or anything, I just like to not have to wear shoes or a bra.

Then I usually do something on the computer or some other chore, but it's a chore I want to do. Eventually I'll have dinner and maybe watch some TV, but I don't have a set routine. The one sure thing is that I'll work on some craft project. right now it's needlepoint.

-- Anonymous, February 07, 2000

I heartily agree with the puppy doctrine. If it's been a hard day, there is no way I can stay grumpy when I am met by my 6 lb Yorkie who talks and runs and slides into the cabinets when she loses traction on the kitchen floor from all her excitement. I wish everyone were that happy to see me when I come through a door.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

I forgot about the being greeted by a puppy thing. Yes, that's great. The cats are glad to see me and my man is glad to see me, and i appreciate that.

Recently he reminded me that i'd told him about seeing a dog waiting outside a store and how happy it was when its person finally came out. I said that made me want a dog, despite my misgivings. anyway, he said he's trying to act that way when he sees me. isn't that great?

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2000

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