I want to make VCD from AVI files!! Can someone Help Me?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hello Friends;I have struggle with the VCD so hard and so far with no success. I have tried Dazzle, Snazzi, Encoder: LXI, Xing, DVMPEG and more. They all are very poor in video quality. Right now I got the Miro DC30+ it is very good quality in AVI video format but when I encoded to VCD format it is Junk (Very bad video quality). I saw some of the commercial VCD video quality as close as to DVD, I wonder if I can make like them. If someone out there have the knowledge of VCD please help me, I am appreciate
-- Todd (vanna@webcombo.net), February 03, 2000
Hello pal! You should try using LSX MPEG Encoder 3 and from there you can shouse how fast you want it to encode and the slower the better quality.I hope this helps...
-- Cyberhof (cyberhof@hotmail.com), February 03, 2000.
ToddA number of things can effect the quality and the DC30 is an excellent starting point.
What data rate have you set the DC30 to capture at, if your running at over 3.6M/s (3686k/s) the quality should be great, much less than that and you get what you get.
Source is probably the most important part of the vcd process.
The DC30 is a analogue card but it is capable of capturing in the dig format frame sizes, are you using its square pixel option for capture? Are you using full frame captures or 1/4 frame sizes based on a single field half definition frames? All of these things effect the end product.
If had owned a DC30 instead of a DC20 for 4+ years I would never have gone to DV editing, I would have stayed in analogue because the results from a DC30 are top of the line providing the rest of the system is of the same standard - Adobe Premiere for editing etc etc all the way down to the encoder/burn of the vcd.
What then is the process for the rest of your production?
-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), February 03, 2000.
Forgot to add: if your using composite inputs/outputs to/from the card the quality will well down on what is achieved with Svideo connectors.
-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), February 03, 2000.
Thanks Ross;I used this DC30+ a while but I only used it for AVI format. Ross, here is the Webpage that I have follow for my VCD encoding process. http://www.tvgraphics.com.au/mpeg/mpeg1faq.html I follow all the instruction and seem it is still not work right, but I will try some more as you told me today, if you don't mind please give the process so that I don't have dig into deep hazzle.
thanks Todd
-- Todd (vanna@webcombo.net), February 04, 2000.
I capture with an Miro DC10Plus to avi. The bestt results for VCD in PAL (352x288 25frames/s) can be reached by capturing an 360x270 avi (Miro standard size) with 2MB/s and then encode it with Xing MPEG Encoder 2.20. I've tested it against the LSX 3.0 and it was better and faster. The important thing is that you have to sharpen the video during the capture. The encoder will make a much more sharpen mpg.
-- bieska (bieska@hotmail.com), February 05, 2000.
Todd I missed your request for more information. Unfortunately we all have our ways of doing things and we read everything we can but not all relates specifically to the equipment we have. There is more to all of this, the capture card is the starting point. I read Mr Trixters site also in the early days.With the DC30 please feel free to contact me off line because there are problems associated with using the square pixel option if thats what you are doing and you must start with a full size frame and not a cropped one. The frame also needs resizing and I cannot remember if Panasonic will do that conversion from the 640 wide to 720 for the dig format. Some PAL processes are different to your NTSC. In the end you must end up with 352 x 240 for an NTSC vcd, how you achieve that is what you need to discuss.
-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), February 07, 2000.