VCD file ready for burning? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi, I'd like to skip over learning to make VCDs for the moment and find how I like them...noncommercial ones I mean. So is there a file anyone can link to that I can download and burn right to a CD and check it out on my DVD player or is that not possible?
-- Richard Compton (, February 03, 2000
I have no links but I can tell you that even with a DSL line, you will be spending at least six hours downloading that file.
-- The Lone Ranger (, February 03, 2000.
I'm on a cable modem and would only need a couple minutes worth. I don't know how long of a vid you are talking about though.
-- Richard Compton (, February 03, 2000.
Oh about 1.4 - 1.6 GBs of information. That would be two complete CDs.
-- The Lone Ranger (, February 03, 2000.