Got News : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Well I haven't stopped by in awhile. I have some suprising and exciting news! I'm with child! I am about 3 and a half months pregnant. My first trimester was aweful. Had all-day long morning sickness that got worse when at the computer for some reason. I'm feeling better now though. I'm in a bind though, I don't think Audrey made and pregnant movies so I can't find a pregnant Audrey Av, whatever will I do? Please, don't suggest those naked Demi Moore prego pics, that was gross.

Hope all you guys are well. I still think of you often.


-- heyhey4 (, February 02, 2000


I love hearing good news! If there are any preggers Audrey pics I'll try to help find one for you too. Or we could just fake one up for ya! : ) Best wishes for an uneventful remaining six months - Laighe

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, February 03, 2000.

Wow, I guess your love life improved since we talked *wink* Im very happy for ya heyhey! Congrats!



-- Shel (, February 04, 2000.

wow, heyhey! I had no idea!

Congratulations, girl -- we'll find ya an AV. Laighe comes up with the best! :-)

-- editrix (, February 05, 2000.

Hey Hey!!! Congrats, girl!

lisaski and grinch

-- lisaski (, February 06, 2000.

wooooohoooooooooooooooooooo and purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- CatGem (, February 09, 2000.

congrats hh! that's wonderful news!

-- bliz77` (, February 10, 2000.

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