PENTAGON Study Finds CHINA Preparing For War With U.S. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

This is from the Washington Times [Fair Use: For Educational/Reseach Purposes Only] February 2, 2000

Pentagon Study Finds China Preparing For War With U.S.


Strategic writings by China's military and party leaders show that China is making plans for war, according to a new Pentagon study. Some 600 translations of internal Chinese writings by 200 authors reveal China's strategy to defeat a superior foe, using both military and nonmilitary means, such as propaganda, deception and covert action. They also reveal the extreme distrust of the United States by China's military and party leaders. Chinese generals state that the United States intentionally bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, last May as part of a long-term strategy to prompt an arms race that will cause China's collapse. The Chinese statements from the mid-1990s through last year discuss issues normally couched in secrecy inside China. They appear in the book "China Debates the Future Security Environment," published last month for the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment, the unit in charge of long-range planning. The translations were edited by Michael Pillsbury, a defense policy planner in the Reagan administration who is fluent in Chinese. The official Chinese views from Communist Party and military officials contradict other claims by the Beijing government that China poses no threat to the United States or other nations. Chinese strategists plan to use a combination of Marxist-Leninist doctrine and ancient Chinese tactics against the United States, which is compared in Chinese military writings as a "hegemon" on a par with Nazi Germany. Gen. Li Jijun, described as one of China's most distinguished military authors, states that the United States engineered the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as a "strategic misdirection" or deception. Other Chinese authors state the United States is working covertly to "dismember" western China, namely Tibet and Xinjiang. The report is a public document, but the Pentagon is limiting its distribution, presumably because of its stark disclosures of Chinese military thinking. According to the book, the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping set the current military strategy for dealing with the world's only superpower in the slogan "bide our time and build up our capabilities." A key debate among Chinese military and party writers is how rapidly the United States will decline, a view based on the Marxist ideas on the collapse of capitalism. The book quotes Gen. Xiong Guankai, the Chinese deputy chief of staff for intelligence, who finished three days of Pentagon meetings last week, as one of China's hard-line theorists. "Any efforts for seeking hegemony and world domination can only result in accumulating contradictions and fermenting war," Gen. Xiong was quoted as saying in a speech at Harvard University. Chinese plans also discuss means of taking out U.S. aircraft-carrier battle groups. Chinese writer Ying Nan says the groups have numerous vulnerabilities. The United States sent two such groups to waters near Taiwan in 1996 in response to Chinese military exercises aimed at the island. Mr. Ying stated that weaker Chinese forces could defeat the huge carriers because the groups are hard to conceal from radar, are less effective in bad weather and are hampered by shallow water or when operating close to the coast. Carriers also are vulnerable to repeated attacks with precision weapons fired from unmanned aircraft and to electronic warfare from small ships, offshore islands and aerial balloons that can "create confusion in the electromagnetic environment," he stated. Carrier battle groups also can be defeated by advanced submarines and by attacks on their support ships because the carriers' anti-submarine capabilities are "relatively poor," Mr. Ying states. Mr. Ying also cited the carriers' elevators, catapult launchers and arrester wires as "extremely vulnerable" to precision strikes that would make the ships useless. Chinese military strategists also draw upon the 1991 Persian Gulf war. Chinese tactics  pre-emptive attacks before allied forces had massed, covert attacks inside Saudi Arabia and operations to split the U.S.-led coalition  could have won for Iraq, they wrote. China now seeks to avoid head-on confrontation until around 2030, when the Chinese expect U.S. power to decline significantly. However, a war between China and the United States could erupt over Taiwan, according to the Chinese authors. Strategist Gao Hen wrote a U.S. defense of Taiwan would cause a major war of "global and historic implications." China also plans electronic attacks on computer networks. "We can make the enemy's command centers not work by changing their data system," wrote Maj. Gen. Pan Junfeng. "We can cause the enemy's headquarters to make incorrect judgments by sending disinformation."


Kinda gives you a Warm Fuzzy Feeling when you remember they just took over both ends of the Panama Canal and are putting the finishing touches on the Worlds Largest Port Just Sixty Miles off the coast of Florida!

-- Zguy (
its@bubble.con), February 02, 2000


FWIW, that warm "fuzzy feeling" is really heartburn!

The big question is whether or not the current and/or future administrations will do anything about it! Or will we sit on our collective hands for the next 30 years...

As for me, (if I'm still alive) I'll be 85, and I think that's a bit old to start learning Chinese... But I may well still be around...

What can WE do? How about not buying anything from Mainland China for a start? No use financing their military build-up. We could also make a point of buying similar products from Taiwan... We could also encourage the building of a strong US military...

-- Mad Monk (, February 02, 2000.

"China now seeks to avoid head-on confrontation until around 2030"...."We can cause the enemy's headquarters to make incorrect judgments by sending disinformation."

You won't have to wait until 2030. That was just some disinformation to relax you. Even the Chinese are not thinking 30 years out. But, like the Japanese, they do excel in the art of surprise! ...sdb

-- S. David Bays (, February 02, 2000.

Related Story:

U.S. CIA Director Sees Missle Threats Emerging

-- Zguy (
its@bubble.con), February 02, 2000.

Lets Try That Link Again.

Related Story:

U.S. CIA Director Sees Missile Threats Emerging

-- Zguy (
its@bubble.con), February 02, 2000.

I see the WARMONGERS are at it again,spreading Hate and Discontent.For a Country run by the Mob,Corporate Criminals and religious Freaks,unable to protect its Borders from migrating Hordes of Slave Labor,we have not got a Chance. Patriotism,the last Refuge of Scoundrels.

-- nono (, February 02, 2000.

Remember that the Chinese are masters of several skills.

First, they understand that warfare is an ART.

Second, several of their deep past and recent past leaders are read in MANY War Colleges around the world.

Third, while I agree that this 2030 date is deceptive, and the Chinese use deception as well as ANYONE including their new global influence partners (who call it maskirovka), they also have a much longer view than the West. One can see this in microcosm, in the response of an American who walks into the Alfred Dunhill main store in London and sees the blends for 17th century royalty and is blown away by the age consciousness, and then goes to an auction at Christies and watches a Ming Dynasty vase go on sale and has NO understanding of the age involved, while the Chinese purchaser is FULLY aware of where this piece came from and what it represented.

Besides, they knew they weren't actually BUYING the US when they bought BJC. They understood that in terms of politics here you can't "buy" anything because of the mandated quasi-turnover. However, you can RENT a LOT and get a LOT done during the period in which the rental is "valid."

There is also a very strong understanding in the war making culture there that even small steps can be turned into great strides by the proper use of planning, and the proper application of force. Plan the small steps to put things in place, and then apply the TIP of the sword as the catalyst.

And if perchance things do not develop favorably this decade, there is always another decade coming, and PATIENCE is one of the most valuable skills of the warrior.


-- Joss Metadi (warhammer@Pride.of.Mandeyne), February 02, 2000.

Thanks, Joss. You succinctly captured the essence of the Chinese view in few words. Patience. Unfortunately, America is an instant-gratification society, so it's extremely difficult for Americans to grasp the long view. Doubly so, as most politicans, civic leaders, and the media seem to have completely forgotten the lessons of history.

MadMonk has it right, too. An economic boycott of "Made in China" products. Doesn't take any legislation, either. Simply read the labels, and if it says China, put it back on the shelf. Also, let the store manager know you're spending your money elsewhere.

-- Craig (, February 02, 2000.

Great comment, Joss. We are, however, blessed with so much our enemies have to have patience. We get blessed with more military strength & prosperity, even when our leaders are skirt-chasin' nose-candy communists. Must be a bitch to live somewhere else. Anyway, I don't know if we could live anymore without "made in China", though I very much agree with a boycott. In that respect, they may have already won.

-- Okie Dan (, February 02, 2000.

As always, we are our own worst enemy.

-- snooze button (, February 02, 2000.


-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), February 02, 2000.


They say:

[...using both military and nonmilitary means, such as propaganda, deception]

I'm a liar. Everything I say is a lie.

While we figure that one out, we of-course assume the worst and waste our money thinking they going to do something to us (with no loss to the military-industrial complex of course). By 2030 I'm sure they'll have us so paranoid if they say "boo" we'll run. We'll have probably taxed our way into oblivion funding the new arms build up and lost the economic war on the way to winning the arms race battle.

Time to accept there are other people in the world smarter than we are, and they'll prove it when our leaders fall into their traps.

Also time for us to stop the GloboCop attitude started with Bush and his New World Order. Sadly however the NWO is going to get kicked into high gear with Bush II.

If push comes to shove. The world will not stand by and let it happen to them. Remember we are not by any strech of the imagination self sufficient.

-- Interested Spectator (is@the_ring.side), February 02, 2000.

Another good reason not to live forever...

-- (@ .), February 02, 2000.

China and other countries have us just where they want us in terms of exports. Take a walk through Wal-Mart, a store that pledges to buy as many American products as possible. Aside from food, toys, and apparel, you will be hard put to find a substantial selection of American made goods. There is the argument that foreign made goods are cheaper because of labor costs, and that keeps our cost of living down. But is it worth the REAL cost? There are plenty of people in this country to provide for ourselves. China and others wouldn't have the funds to go to war if we didn't do business with them anymore. But I guess that's just too simple, huh?

-- Gia (, February 02, 2000.




-- its a test (its@test.comm), February 03, 2000.

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