mounting and framing : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Please suggest good books/chapters/articles/web sites dealing with mounting and framing black and white photos. Thanks!

Jack Scott

-- Jack Scott (, February 01, 2000


Jack, Check into,although their catalog will probably help more,also, these guys are serious about archival supplies so your images will last! good luck.

-- Larry Shearer (, February 01, 2000.

The best book I have ever seen on mounting and framing photographs is "The Life of a Photograph" by Laurence E. Keefe and Dennis Inch. The subtitle is "Archival Processing, Matting, Framing, Storage". Most other framing books cover all art work and have just a short discussion of photographs, or worse, they don't tell you what good archival practice is. Unfortunately the book is out of print, but out of print book searches is one thing the internet has made easier.

-- Michael Briggs (, February 02, 2000.

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