LearningTask 3

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Researching Relevant Professional Development Learning task 3: Who are the experts? Nathan Johnson

Agriculture is changing rapidly. It seems like a day doesnt go without hearing news of another merger taking place. What does that mean for producers in the field? How can we as educators stay informed of what is happening and share that information with those who need it most? Is there time to attend meeting after meeting or can they receive information elsewhere in a reliable way? These are just a few of the questions I ask myself when it comes to the extension service meeting the needs of the public. Here is a list of people I would like to hear(national) and people that I have access to(state) and visit with on a somewhat regular basis.

Experts: National 1. Dr. David Kohl - Virginia Tech 2. Dr. William Tierney Jr. - Kansas State University 3. Dr. Lowell Catlett - New Mexico State University 4. Dr. Robert Wisner - Iowa state University 5. Stan Beavers - Texas A&M University

State 1. George Rehm  U of M 2. Bev Durgan  U of M 3. Erv Oelke - U of M 4. Carlyle Holen  U of M Crookston 5. Al Dexter - NDSU 6. Al Sims- U of M Crookston 7. Dave Franzen - NDSU 8. Andy Swenson  NDSU 9. Jochum Wiersma  U of M Crookston 10. Ed Usset  U of M 11. George Flaskerud  NDSU 12. Duane Berglund - NDSU

-- Anonymous, January 31, 2000

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