Regarding deleting scores : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

As I have already indicated in another post, it is way too much work to notify everyone personally about a recording of theirs being deleted. And somehow I think that anyone who doesn't follow the rules (and to quote a line from a song "Ignorance is no excuse") doesn't deserve the courtesy of being notified.

Having said that, there are alternative ways to give an indication of scores that are being deleted. One of them is by temporarily uploading a fake top score on a game and have the description field indicate what is happening, as I have already mentioned before. Another one is to have Gameboy edit the "What's new?" page on MARP with lines like "Illegal recordings on the following games have been deleted/zeroed out: ...".

I do, however, agree that it should be indicated more clearly where the rules for MARP can be found, and QT Quazar is working on a page as we speak. The first page that a person gets to see when going to the MARP site should have a clearly visible link to the page of banned techniques and banned games. And it wouldn't be a bad idea either to have the page where people submit recordings repeat this ("Before uploading, make sure you did not violage any of the rules mentioned on this page: ...").

From now on, I'll notify Gameboy of every game I purge, and unless the game itself is banned, I won't delete the score, but merely zero it out and add a comment stating why it was zeroed out (autofire, banned technique, etc.).

Again, I do not want to do things behind people's backs, but at the same time, I think it's the responsibility of the uploader to check first whether the recording is allowed under current MARP rules and frequently check for updated rules and take care of his own recordings in case a new rule comes into effect; if people do not bother to check the rules first, then why should I bother to extend them the courtesy of personally e-mailing them? Once more, remember that we are talking about hundreds of recordings here...

Cheers, Ben Jos.

-- Ben Jos Walbeehm (, January 30, 2000


violage? violage? I meant "violate" of course. :-)

Cheers, Ben Jos.

-- Ben Jos Walbeehm (, January 30, 2000.

Isn't it possible to automate a simple message stateing "some of your recordings were reduced because of banned techniques, the banned techniques are listed at please follow them." you wouldn't even need to tell them which ones (that's where their responsibility comes in to look and find out which scores are missing.)

Remember the autofire was not stated clearly before, and the rules are very difficult to find on the MARP site, i doubt if 1 of 2 marpers have read angry's banned technique page....

Just gather the email addresses of those games that you ban and do a mass mailing to say one or some of your recordings were altered. This is not a courtesy, it's just to remind those that have done wrong that they HAVE and to not do it again or do it the right way next time.

-- Chad (, January 30, 2000.

When we click on "search" we have a screenshot of the game with the list of the top 3 scores ; I'm not a programer so I don't know if it can be done , but wouldn't it be possible to also put a comment for special games ?

For example we would write "point leeching is banned" for gng , or "this game only playbacks with m33b4" for old sega games , or "this game doesn't work" for chplft ...etc

I think it would be more easy to consult what can be done before uploading recordings

-- phil (, January 30, 2000.

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