Audio/Video out of sync in first chapter only : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, Have created VCD using 3D Animation AVI (352x240, 30fps. 16 bit stereo file). I use WinOnCD to burn (which contains mpeg video encoder) but I am experimenting with LSX Encoder (demo) to compare quality of audio/video. After burning 30 sec. chapters on CD (using LSX Demo to encode MPG) I am finding the first chapter audio to be "out of sync" while all other chapters are "in sync". I would like to purchase LSX for it's versitilty but need to know why the audio and video was out of sync first. Thanks, Rob DeLisi

PS. Using the same AVI file, I burned a chapter with WinOnCD's MPG Video encoder and the Audio/Video was in sync.

Have tried "Pad for CDROM Playback" option when building the original AVI file to see if it was that. It had no effect.

-- Robert DeLisi (, January 29, 2000

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