What is the film width from MINOX FILM SLITTER ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

What is the width of film specified in Minox film slitter ?

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 28, 2000



Minox FILM SLITTER Owner's Manuyal specified:

This film slitter is a device for slitting 35mm film from standard 135 cartridge into strips of 9.2mm width for use with ultra-miniature cameras as MINOX LX and EC. "

The Owner's manual was printed by MINOX GmbH, Giessen.

Hear, hear, another piece of evidence to debunk the myth of "Minox 9.5mm "

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 28, 2000.

Actually, who ever will try to force a 9.5 mm wide strip of film through his minox will damage it. This damage is serious, the maximum width possible is 9.3 mm.

-- Oliver (pyper@fks.chem.tu-berlin.de), February 02, 2000.

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