Film length : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

What is the length of factory loaded 15, 30, and 36 exposure rolls? Approximately how much leader is there on a roll?

-- John Sonewald (, January 28, 2000


For film length information, see Minox GmbH 'FILM SLITTER' Owner's Manual in thread "High Precision Minox Slitter"

-- martin tai (, January 28, 2000.

I give 12 cm leader and tail + 13mm for each exp. As I use a very short tail to put the film in the daylight tank I have 1 or 2 extra exposures per strip. Wolfgang

-- Wolfgang Fischer (, January 28, 2000.

Here is the length of Minox factory film loads:

Exposures Film Length 15 32 cm 12.9" 30 52 cm 20.3" 36 59 cm 23.2" 50 77 cm 30.1"

-- James Jones (, January 29, 2000.

Sorry, my film chart didn't come out very well, let's try again:

Here are the lengths of Minox factory loaded film:

Exposures Film Length 15 32 cm 12.9"

30 52 cm 20.3"

36 59 cm 23.2"

50 77 cm 30.1"

-- James Jones (, January 29, 2000.

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