Blackout for 200,000 households in South East Queensland : Technical Faults cited : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Blackout for 200,000 households in South East Queensland

Technical faults are being blamed for power failures which have affected homes from Brisbane to the Gold Coast.

Powerlink crews are trying to fix a fault at the Belmont sub-station which has affected about 200,000 customers in Brisbane's bayside suburbs.

Meanwhile, Energex says problems at the Cades County sub-station saw homes blacked out on the Gold Coast.

But an Energex spokeswoman says power has been restored to all areas.

Link to story:

-- Carl Jenkins (, January 27, 2000


Thanks Carl, you are doing a heck of job. I appreciate your hard work.

-- JoseMiami (, January 27, 2000.

Do you get paid for what you do? Can I make a living doing same? Searching the Infidels? I want to be on-board!!

-- Carl, still asking (, January 27, 2000.

Sorry, don't know of any jobs for y2k investigator (maybe insurance companies). I am donating my time for public education and research purposes only. I believe the information in these stories needs to be archived and preserved. Many of these stories disappear into newspaper and news service computers and are difficult if not impossible to access once they have passed from the web.

-- Carl Jenkins (, January 28, 2000.

Carl, Thank you for the word. Appreciate hearing about these power failures....I've been accumulating them into a reference file as background info.

It's useful data to have when discussing alternative household-sized (emergency/backup) "plug-in-play" battery+invertor power packages with people. Readers (here) who have been following the power systems for a while know the background, know the impact of losing power. Others, unless they've actually gone through a recent snow/ice storm (like the Carolina's and North GA this week) simply don't have any idea.

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, January 28, 2000.

Carl , do you consider your self to be a "y2k investigator"?

If you do, then you are doing a crap job because none of your many posts appear to have anything to do with y2k.

-- Mr. Sane (, January 28, 2000.

Mr. Sane,

Actually, the burden of proof is on someone to prove it is "not" y2k related. Go for it! You will help to make a lot of investigators jobs much easier. =)

-- Dee (, January 28, 2000.

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