Electronic flash for Minox LX/C/B

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

DOes anyone know of a currently available electronic flash that is on a size comparable to the LX/C/B? One with an automatic mode or two would be great, but smaller size is more important.


-- John Sonewald (jsonewald@aol.com), January 27, 2000


My understanding is that on an LX, the official Minox flash is automatic assuming your camera is set on automatic. The flash physically is very small, yet has a decent GN. I use a small autostrobe from Promaster at less than $50. It works with hotshoe or synch cord and is not elegant, but very effective. Martin Tai may have a tip or 2 for you!

-- Jeff Drew (jdrew@westlandbank.com), January 27, 2000.

Along these same lines, can the round flash for the ECX be used with the B/C/LX with an adapter?

-- Padraig Connelly (padraig_c@yahoo.com), January 27, 2000.

The official 8x11 Minox flash is not automatic when in use with the TLX or LX. The shutter speed has to be set at 1/125 (GN12). When using ISO100 film, my tests showed that the subject has to be at a distance of 3.4 to 4M, Best is 3.5M. With the ND filter, distance can be decreased to 1.7 to 2M. The Auto Mode on the TLX is designed for flash cubes. If you folllow the flash manual, you will either get over exposure, or under exposure (heavy grains).However I think the color temp of the flash is too cold. To use the automode, try using the Hotshoe adapter, and the Minox FC- X or FC-S flash, set it to F4 (ISO100). The result is very good color temp is a little bit warmer, and the subject is more lifelike. You can set the TLX or LX to automode.A PC code can be used to connect to other flash on a tripod. The MINOX FC-X or FC-S flash are available seperately. Read the Flash section in this FAQ. I wrote something there about using the FC-X flash. You can also see some of the result in my personal gallery.(Also pictures using SB-28 Flash on Tripod).

The ECX flash can be used for the TLX using the MInox adapter. But I suggest to use the 6X11 TLX flash for the ECX because it is flatter. I have both ECX and TLX setup.

-- Kingson Lee (kkt@kk-tech.com), January 28, 2000.

Sorry, typo error, the I suggest to use the 8X11 flash for the ECX, not 6 X11

-- Kingson Lee (kkt@kk-tech.com), January 28, 2000.

For Minox B, I'll second the small autostrobe with cord suggestion. If you get one with at least one flat side surface, you can simply hold the Minox against the side and make the exposure.

-- Jeff Polaski (polaski@acm.org), January 31, 2000.

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