Change this site? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I wonder if it would be possible to receive an email notification even if you are not the "starter of the thread".Boy it takes something to remember what threads you have been involved in and as a result when people ask questions from within they may never be answered unless you return or religiously look every day at the new answers.
The other boards I frequent have that facilty so it does not matter how old the posting is all persons in the thread get notification of an addition.
The alternative is to start a new thread.
Just wondered.
-- Ross McL (, January 26, 2000
That's a great idea! The site would be more forum-like instead of Q&A-like. Many simple questions oftenly start interesting discussions that everyone involved (rather than only the original poster) would like to follow in an easier way. Now, we should agree who is going to write to rwvong@geocities to find out if this is possible so he doesn't get flooded ;-)
-- Matias (, January 27, 2000.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm afraid I don't have access to the software -- Philip Greenspun ( runs the Q&A forums off an Oracle database ($$) as a free Internet service. We could ask him, but I think he's already working 100 hours a week. :-)There is an e-mail alert service (, but it's not quite what you need, since it'll send you all the threads, not just the ones that you've posted in.
-- Russil Wvong (, January 28, 2000.