Happy Birthday Noelle

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Before January is completely gone, Noelle will be measurably older than she was the day before (and it's about time too). Please join me in wishing her many happy returns. Happy Birthday Noelle!

-- orpheus6 (orpheus48@hotmail.com), January 26, 2000


Happy Birthday, Noelle : ) I hope this year brings you happiness. A few good gifts couldn't hurt either!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), January 27, 2000.

Happy Happy You!

-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), January 27, 2000.

Happy Birthday *N*

-- hiddenheart (hiddenheart@hotmail.com), January 28, 2000.

Happy Birthday Med Hon!!!!!!I hope you have a great 1

-- Jasmine B (goal__@excite.com), January 29, 2000.

I'm Late probably I know, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY Noelle!!

-- starskii (nick@wilsdon.demon.co.uk), January 30, 2000.

Happy Birthday, Noelle!

-- sib (sibil@excite.com), January 31, 2000.

The very, very best in everything to a sweet, fun friend. (and one who's cake is still not quite yet a fire hazard) Best in all, Noelle! and many happy returns!

- M -

-- chachalaca (chachalaca@excite.com), January 31, 2000.

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