Moscow: 1 dead, 15 injured in collision of freight and passenger trains : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

One dead and 15 injured in train derailment

Source: Associated Press

Publication date: Jan 26, 2000

MOSCOW (AP) -- An assistant engineer was killed Wednesday and 15 crew members were injured when a passenger train collided with a freight train in the Novgorod region of Russia, an emergency official said. The train was heading to St. Petersburg from Velikiye Luki when it collided head-on with the freight train loaded with logs. The locomotive and two front cars were derailed and overturned, Viktor Beltsov of the Ministry for Emergency Situations said.

He said the assistant engineer was killed and 15 members of the train's crew were injured in the early morning crash, about 500 kilometers (300 miles) northwest of Moscow. None of the 57 passengers in the first two cars was hurt, he said. (jai)

Link to story:

-- Carl Jenkins (, January 26, 2000

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