How To Make A VCD with CDRW Media : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi All

I have been reading with interest that some users are able to use CDRW media to make a VCD for testing on DVD and VCD set tops before making a final VCD with CDR media. Is the CDRW reusable after that?

I am using WinOnCD 3.7 Power Edition and also have Easy CD Creator Deluxe 4.01. Maybe someone can post on how to use any one of these software to do the above or recommend a burning program that can do just that.

Thanks in advance. NT

-- NT (, January 24, 2000



RW media is re-usable; all you do is wipe it clean when you want to reuse it, the burn software should give you 2 options - fast wipe or full wipe, the first takes about 2 minutes (wipes the TOC) or 74 minutes to wipe all files. My original RW has now done about 200 burns (only one full wipe) and is still working OK. Because I still do not trust the VCD I always do a RW burn first to check for errors.

-- Ross McL (, January 24, 2000.

Hi Ross What's the software you use to make the VCD on CDRW?

I have tried but to no avail with WinOnCD 3.7 Power Edition and ECDC Deluxe 4.01.

Thanks NT

-- NT (, January 24, 2000.

Hi Ross,

Did your VCD on CDRW ever work on set top VCR player? I have burned VCD on CDRW a few times before using as low as 2x speed in my last attempt but still couldn't succeed getting it to play on VCD set tops.

-- Daniel Lee (, January 24, 2000.

From postings in this forum, it appears that owners of combo DVD/VCD players rush in head-on for CD-RW discs where CD-R discs fail to play on their machines.

Strangely, I find that CD-R discs play perfectly on set-top VCD players, but these players will not even see CD-RW discs, leave alone playing them.

-- TOMO (, January 24, 2000.

Only some set tops will read cd-rw. I have found that very few will even read my CD-R video Cd's

-- Al McCraw (, January 25, 2000.

Hi Guys been on Holiday again.

I have two burner programs loaded at the moment, Nero and VP4 and I use Nero to wipe the CD-RW as I use VP4 as a standalone and it does not have the option it relies on WinonCD. I am sure adaptec have that option, perhaps in the general program and certainly WinonCD has.

I used a CD-RW a lot in the learning phase and still do, use them for back up as well. When I selected my DVD player I went armed with both and chose accordingly, rightly or wrongly Philips 725. Played every thing I chucked at it except for high data rate vcd's 2x etc which I did not know about at the time.

-- Ross McL (, January 26, 2000.

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