Current Status of C of G lines : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I am familiar with the Griffin-Chattanooga CofG line since I grew up on the northern end at Chattanooga. However I have never lived close to any of the other main segments. Of course these were taken over by Southern, but, what is left now? Can someone provide a brief status report such as: X to Z: Abandoned; A to B: moderate use by NS; C to D: heavy use by NS; E to F: now a shortline operated as___. Hope this isn't too big a request but I would help as I travel around Georgia and Alabama. Also, no need to get into the fate of small branches and spurs. Thanks for the update! Arnold Eaves, Woodstock, GA

-- Arnold Eaves (, January 22, 2000


Arnold, Their is a great atlas out now by a company called Steam Powered Video that covers Georgia and shows all lines past an presant. They have several volumes dealing with various regions of the country and the one that I refer to is their Southeast addition. Unfortunately it does not include Alabama but I am sure that an atlas covering Alabama is forthcoming. The atlas showes the old Durham line which you are so familiar with along with all stations. It does not go into traffic volume but does deal with past and presant operators of all lines. I have really enjoyed my copy, hope this helps. Regards, Warren

-- Warren D. Stephens (, January 22, 2000.

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