Are you a morning person? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Just curious. Any others out there?

Are you pleasant and chipper at 6 a.m., or are you one of those people who should just stay in bed until you can behave like a human?

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2000


Yes, there are others of us out here. Me, for example. I was a morning person even before I had livestock to take care of at dawn. In fact, some days I'll get up well before dawn just to get that joyful hour or two of productive time in before people start bothering me.

Please don't tell the night people that we make all the important decisions before they wake up.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2000

Noooooooo way. I'm a late-night person. The thing is, I wake up fairly early, but I can't get myself out of bed.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2000

That's funny, Beth. I stay up late at night for the same reason - the peace and quiet. I feel like everyone else in the world is asleep. Maybe we're just anti-social?

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2000

Never used to be able to get out of bed before 12.

Now it's 6.30am every morning.

I dearly wish my boyfriend was a morning person. We're supposed to be going to the zoo today. The zoo shuts in the last afternoon. I rang him at 12 noon, to wake him up, since I know it takes 3 hours from wake up to actually getting where we plan to go. I got yelled at. A lot. Now I don't even want to go to the fucking zoo anymore and I've been looking foward to it for two weeks.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2000

Oh yeah. Morning person to the bone. I get really resentful if other people get up too early because I really treasure the time to myself. Morning is when I write. Morning is when my brain works best.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2000

Yep, definitely a morning person, although I do find it hard to get up in the morning. Maybe that disqualifies me, but the fact is, I love mornings - and once I'm up, I'm up. My partner, on the other hand is a night person to the T. He is *always* grumpy when he gets up in the morning (or early afternoon if he can manage it) and likes to saty up late. This is partly why i find it hard to get up in the morning - staying up later than I should and not sleeping soundly till he comes to bed. The other part is that I am just inherently lazy I think.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2000

Let me think how I can put this nicely...
Morning people suck. I am not a morning person. I don't ever want to be a morning person. Actually, I would rather claw out my own eyes than wake up before ten a.m.

Mornings are disgusting. They're bright and perky and everything that I hate.

There's a tee shirt that says "Yeah, I'm just a f*#@ing ray of sunshine, aren't I."
I need that shirt.


-- Anonymous, January 22, 2000

I am definitely not a morning person. I'll stay in bed until I absolutely have to get up. The snooze button is both my friend and my enemy (sometimes I think if it wasn't there I might be forced to get out of bed at a decent time on workdays, instead of rolling out of bed 30 minutes before I have to be at work).

I love staying up late. Have since I was a kid. I wonder if I'de be different if Mom had enforced some sort of bedtime, but I think she was happy to have me stay up with her. (Of course, Mom seems to thrive on four hours of sleep. Me, I need at least six to seven hours.)

However, I'm not really that grumpy in the morning. Well, not unless someone demands something of me before I've taken my shower. Then all bets are off.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2000

Mornings? What are they?

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2000

Yes, sort of. I mean, I'm definitely not a *night* person, so I guess I must be a morning one.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2000

With a name like Sunshyn, how could I NOT be a morning person? I mean, really! But today, I slept in till the unheard-of hour of 8:00 a.m. OMYGod. I haven't done that in, like, 12 years. Or longer, even. And now I'm going to be lazy and read the paper and drink coffee (and maybe update my journal, maybe). I was gonna do my taxes, but I decided, the hell with it!


-- Anonymous, January 23, 2000

Even if I'm _up_ before noon, my brain isn't awake until about then. I'm a confirmed night owl and anti-morning person.

Just ask Sabs.

I am a BITCH in the morning.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2000

I love mornings, now. I went from being a night person to being a morning person, the exact opposite of my husband. When we got married, he was a morning person, often leaving for work at 4:30 or 5 am. However it worked out or changed, we have a great arrangement: I get up a couple hours before he does and do my morning routine, which inlcudes taking the dog out to the lake, a hot shower and some personal study time. He prefers to hop out of bed and run off to work. I have a reason for the morning routine: I regard work as simply something that happens during my day and not my entire day.

(Although I am a morning person, I'm with you, Kay. Sometimes it's really hard to get out of bed in the morning because of the influence of the Night Person. "Pleeeease, just stay up a little bit longer. Please. We can sleep-in in the morning." Why, oh why does the Night Person have to be so charming and cute?)

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2000

I'm sort of in between. On weekdays I get up at 6:00 every day. On weekends I sleep late - he has standing orders not to let me sleep after 10:00. If there's something I need to get up early to do, I can do it, though I brood about those missed hours of sleep, and I still have to take melatonin every night so I'll get sleepy by 10:30, no matter how early I've been getting up.

However, I am not cheerful and perky in the morning, just awake. Playing music in the morning is grounds for murder, in my opinion.

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2000

It's not so much that I'm not a morning person as that I need more hours in the day--I'm comfortable staying awake 18-20 hours, then sleeping for 8; one vacation I worked my sleep schedule clear around the clock in about a week and a half. Guess I was born to be Bajoran; they have a 27-hour clock, which would work MUCH better for me...

And no, I'm not a morning person, but I'm better than my wife, tee-hee. We have to have toothpaste in a pump because that whole tube-cap thing is just way too much to keep track of first thing in the morning, or even after she's been up for an hour or two.

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2000

Morning person whether I want to be or not - the baby gets up at 5:15, before work is my one chance to see him. Then, I have to be out the door at 6:25, so there's not much choice. I do have an ambition to be a night owl once again, when I'm retired.

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2000

I don't really consider myself a morning person. I am not chipper and happy in the a.m. However, I do prefer to come into work an hour early each day. Arriving at 7 gives me plenty of time to transition into the new day before the rest of the office arrives. I can drink my coffee and check my email in peace. Then when my coworkers arrive around 8 or later, I am ready interact without growling at anyone.

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2000

I used to be this big second shift kindofa person. (the waitress/party shift). I hated mornings. I thought that only evilevilevil idiots liked morning. Hell, I quit school because I was tired of getting up in the morning.

That has since, changed. I have turned into an evilevilevil idiot because I love mornings. Best time of day. For accomplishing things.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2000

I am a morning person wanna be. I feel so much better when I get up early and workout. Somehow, the snooze button calls my name every morning. For those morning people out there, how do you do it?

-- Anonymous, February 27, 2001

Well Cathy, I've got two words for you - morning wood. If I didn't wake up with a pecker full of blood every morning I just don't think I'd ever get anything done.

It's not so much the swollen organ alone that gets you moving, it's just that after flipping over to hit the alarm the last thing you want to do is lay there on your back with aching loins and a bladder full of urine. Sure, you can try getting back onto your stomach and back into the Brittany dream but it never quite feels the same. Besides that, you're fully conscious now and you have to pee. I mean really pee.

So then, you're faced with your first decision of the day - do I jerk off and get the little bugger to go limp first or do I take a chance, stand up against the wall six feet away from the toilet or maybe try standing close to reduce splatter by getting on my tippy toes, pushing down with one hand while, holding the sink ledge with the othe for balance and aiming the stiff little pee pee gun at the watery target?

Nope. Nothing gets the ol' brain synapses firing quite like an enlongated penis.

-- Anonymous, February 27, 2001

Thanks rudeboy, but I really don't have any interest in ever becoming a man, so I guess I'll have to consider other options.

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2001

You could always borrow somebody else's. Enlongated penises seem to stimulate just about everyone :)

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2001

Naturally, I'm a night person. Born and bred. My parents didn't put me to bed until 11 p.m. when I was six.

However, due to both school and my work hours starting at either 8 or 8:30 a.m., I'm now forced to wake up early. Now my body's freaking out and waking me up at 5 a.m. This is so disturbing.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

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