How to play a VCD on your PC cdrom : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've successfully using EZCD Deluxe V3.5c to burn a VCD. Prior to the final step of burning a VCD, I've run the playback and everything OK. Also, I've selected the "Test/Write" option for EZCD. Thus, Everything looking good so far. Could someone please show me how to play this VCD on my computer. Do I need to get a VCD player software for PC? I've tried on my Panasonic-A120 DVD player but it does not recognize the Disc. I've used a CD-R Audio Recordable Media (80 Minutes/700MB) from Hotan. Well I want to test it out with my PC but don't know how to start it. I'm going to test this VCD at BestBuy just want to find out which Player is compatible with it. Also, will burn this VCD layout to a CD-RW Media to see if my Panasonic-a120 DVD player will see it. Thanks in advance,

-- Steve (, January 21, 2000


Once again someone fails to read the FAQs or previous questions. Sorry nothing against you personally but try to read a little first.

You will find that Windows Media Player is a choice if you are broke and have no money. You won't be able to play a lot of movies from Thailand and Malaysia though but again it is free.

Next cheap choice is either Xing MPEGPlayer and Cyberlink PowerVCD both at $30.00. Visit or for ordering info.

Best choice period is PowerDVD from Cyberlink. It goes for $45.00 and is very versatile and clean when it comes to VCDs.

I am not going to give you or any ohter person any of the above programs. I have them and I paid for them. I suggest you do the same.

I suggest you get one of the programs listed before thinking your machine can not play them. It could be that the VCD was burned incorrectly.

-- The Lone Ranger (, January 21, 2000.

Just goto

-- Angel (, January 22, 2000.

Cool, I've figured it out. Just double click on any *.dat file from my VCD and Win9x will ask me what multimedia appl do I want to view it with, so I've tried it with Mplayer2.exe from Win9x and it's worked. Since I have a ATI all in Wonder Pro Video card that came with the ATI player and this is good too. Now, I need to find out how to create a dos bat file that allow other Pc to play these *.dat files too. This is what I've put in my runvcd.bat file:

mplayer2.exe track1.dat (track1.dat is the video file that I have)

Could anyone help me to create a dos bat file that will play all the dat files instead just one? (the way that I have it) Because if I add another line below the first line i.e.

mplayer2.exe track1.dat mplayer2.exe track2.dat (and so on)

win9x mplayer2 will only play track1 the stop but it does not start the next track. Thanks in advance

-- Steve (, January 23, 2000.

The answer to your question is basically to suck my dick.

-- Chris Love (, April 09, 2001.

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