Comments on TravelMate [tm] ? : LUSENET : Travelite.FAQ Packing Guide : One Thread

Any women here who have tried the TravelMate or any other of the 'pee standing up' methods/gadgets? It looks somewhat more civilised than the funnels I've seen for sale elsewhere.

If anyone's interested, look at

-- Jill Marsh (, January 18, 2000


Hi Jill;

Oh my goodness!! Thank you very much for the URL -- their Web site is both intriguing and riotous!! I am not experienced in this area but it's definitely something women might consider if they are traveling to areas where they may not wish to use the public facilities (unsanitary, hole in the ground, etc.).

Is it just me, or does the TravelMat look just like a toddler's liquid medication dispenser with a hole drilled on the bottom?

Happy travels!

-- Lani

-- Lani Teshima (, April 19, 2000.

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