Type I vs II compact flash cards

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just got the Casio QV2000UX as my 1st digital camera and am very pleased with it. However, I would like to get a bigger compactflash card than the 8 meg that comes with it. The camera accepts both type I and type II cards. Question: what is the advantage of getting the more expensive type II CF card?

-- Alfred Lee (alflee7@home.com), January 15, 2000


Alfred, I know of no advantage except that more memory is availabe in the CF type II configuration. I believe cards up to about 220 MB are made in the type II size. The IBM microdrive is also a type II device. It is currently made in 170 and 340 MB sizes, with larger sizes coming.

-- Steve (milwaukeechrome@aol.com), January 15, 2000.

check out this site for a much better answer


-- Colin Howe (colin.howe@rcn.com), April 06, 2004.

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