Nikkor-S.C 55mm f1.2 lens : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I purchased a used Nikon F3hp which came with this lens. It is a non-ai lens from what I've read and has not been converted yet. Will converting this lens lower the value of this lens? Could this lens be used with the F3 if it wasn't? Thanks for any response.

-- Nick (, January 15, 2000


Yes, pre-AI lenses can be used unconverted on an F3. But the meter won't know what aperture you have set on the lens, so you have to meter stopped-down (i.e. press the DOF lever while you meter).

If the conversion is properly done, I would expect it to add to the value of the lens.

-- Alan Gibson (, January 16, 2000.

The 55 1.2 isn't much of a collector's lens. Unless the lens is in near mint condition, or has an unusually low serial number, it'll be worth more after it's been AI'd.

If whoever converts it replaces the aperture ring (instead of cutting a notch in the current one), and let's you keep it. You could always un-AI it later.

-- Geoffrey S. Kane (, January 18, 2000.

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