Tell us five nice things about your significant other. : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Or more, if you can think of more. But at least five.

Here are five new ones about Jeremy:

  1. He does almost all of the driving, and I can't stress enough how much I hate to drive.

  2. He walks the dog when it's dark or really rainy or I don't feel well, although he's not always good natured about it.

  3. He is always up for playing hooky and going to the mountains.

  4. He bought me really cool stuff for Christmas. The Rent tickets were especially cool, because he really, really hates musicals and theater and all that jazz, so that was swell of him.

  5. He told me not to clean house on my vacation and to have fun instead, and it's not his fault that I didn't listen to him until this week.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000


1. He takes really good care of my 13 year old Subaru Wagon. He bitches about it a lot, and wants to buy something new, but we have a new house to fix up and a car payment is the last thing I (we) need.

2. He can paint, hang doors and wallpaper, do practically anything that I ask him to. It's a miracle that he never complains. Now that I think about it I have a painter, carpenter, mechanic, and plumber all rolled into one! And he's an engineer by trade.

3. He constantly challenges my way of thinking

4. He likes to buy me really expensive make-up from Saks and Nordstrom. I hate dealing with those snotty counter girls so I keep a list of what I want and he goes. They give him better service and he likes the attention from the glamazon queens. All that's about to change, though - Sephora has come to town.

5. After thirteen years together he's still my favorite date. Life is good and keeps getting better. My only complaint is he doesn't cook and he hates grocery stores. I almost fainted when he volunteered to shop for Thanksgiving. I was working long hours at the time, and he was on vacation, so chalk that one up to boredom.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

1. He builds me furniture, gifts for my friends, and can fix just about any damn thing in our house.

2. He cleans bathrooms! Only when I prompt him, but he does it.

3. He loves me no matter what. He's always there when I need him and he's always on my side. He sticks up for me when I can't do it for myself.

4. He loves the dogs. That's an amazing trait in a man and he must love me a lot to let me talk him into owning three big dogs.

5. He's fun to be with and he as a great sense of humor. He likes a lot of the activities I like and he's willing to try new things. And he's not embarrassed if I get completely silly - he joins in.

This was a good idea for today because I'm a little pissed at him at the moment. It's good to remember he's got so many good qualities that outweigh the things that drive me insane. Let's not even talk about laundry!

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

1. He gets a little sad when we don't go to bed at the same time. He gets lonely, I guess.

2. He paid all the fees for me to adopt a cat, even though he doesn't like cats. He also ferociously fought with our landlord when the landlord abruptly developed amnesia, forgot he said we could have a cat, and ordered us to get rid of her immediately. And he paid the pet deposit the landlord demanded.

3. When I'm sick, he does EVERYTHING. He puts me in his comfy reclining chair under a blanket, with a cup of tea and the TV remote nearby, and does every chore.

4. He would rather hang out with me than with his friends.

5. He also bought me really cool stuff for Christmas.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Five good things about Rich:
  1. He keeps all the computers going and deals with all the ISP and DNS and FTP and all that other TLA (three-letter abbreviation) stuff I would rather not have to learn.
  2. Even though he'd rather do moguls or imperil his life in the back bowls, he stays with me on my aqua (between green and blue) runs because he wants me to enjoy skiing (which will eventually benefit him).
  3. He does all the cooking and grocery shopping (which might not count, now that he's going to travel). He wants to teach me how to cook, as much so I can eat better when he's away as so I can assume my half of the responsibility. However, he's not above craving a Sara Lee frozen chocolate cake for supper.
  4. He is so adept at helping people learn that professors, classmates, students, and employers all comment on and recommend him for it, and so adept that I probably could learn computer and internet stuff, skiing, and cooking, if I could stop resenting how much better he is at almost everything.
  5. He loves me and believes in me and encourages me to do my own thing and has no problem articulating any of that.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

1. Ive done laundry about twice in six years. (And he doesnt complain about doing it.)

2. For my recent birthday, he surprised me with a lucious chocolate cake. He called a friend at my favorite restaurant to learn to make the raspberry sauce I love. (He doesnt care for chocolate, raspberry, OR cooking.)

3. He never asks me what I want for gift-giving occasions. He pays attention to what I like and say and sigh over all year long, and then gets genuinely excited about finding things that will be perfect for me. And they are.

4. Im a list maker. Hell find my To Do list and either add a silly item to make me smile or do some chore before I can get to it. He also thinks I should sometimes put away my lists and relax and do nothing constructive. For hours.

5. At least once a day, he makes me laugh out loud.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

1. He loves me and treats me like a princess even when I am PMS-ie and acting like a brat. 2. He always cleans the litter box, and is an awesome "Kitty-Daddy". 3. He does 99.9999 percent of the cooking... and sometimes the dishes, too! 4. He REALLY listens to me... even when I ramble on and on about something useless! 5. We laugh together a LOT... and are generally happy people!

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Five wonderful things about Pat:
  1. He is really, really funny. He's always saying things that I repeat to people and they tell me how funny he is too, so it's not just my opinion.
  2. He's very good natured and easy going. If he's in a bad mood he is nearly always aware it and say "Just leave me alone. I'm in a terrible mood tonight." Which is better than the type of person who won't admit they're in a bad mood and tries to blame their bad attitude on you as they lash out.
  3. He was lukewarm to my cats when we moved in together, but he's grown to love them, and he even admits he does, though it kind of embarassed him when I told people.
  4. He took over cleaning the cat box because I do such a bad job of it (I have a bad sense of smell and let it go on too long.) The cats appreciate this. He will also do the vacuuming which is my most hated household chore.
  5. He's on my side. When I tell him something awful that happened he never suggests that I got in trouble at work because I was playing solitaire too much, or I shouldn't have been speeding, or anything like that, even if it's true. When I actually was laid off and didn't work for nine months he was a rock of encouragement and stability. I fully thought it would be reasonable for him to break up with me. Recently he told me that seeing me reinvent myself in a new job made all that time, and the money he lent me (since repaid) well worth it. What a guy.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Just five, huh? This may be a lil' tough. (=

1. He loves and accepts me for all that I am, and even though I am so clearly NOT, he is quick to tell me how sexy and beautiful I am. Yes, he's lying, but he's so sincere when he says it, I almost think he really believes it himself. (=

2. (Pregnancy related) Even when he's sick and/or achey from work he will drop whatever he is doing and take care of me and my achiness. I try to not take advantage of this, when when I'm REALLY swollen and achy (okay, which is it? achy? achey?) it is really nice to have someone that will get me a cup of tea. (=

3. (Non-Pregnancy related) He has awesome "I'm getting depressed" radar. There will be days when our daily routine of "come home from work, go to the bathroom, check email, fiddle on the computer, eat something, go to bed" will be thrown out the window. I'll sit down at the computer and hear him fiddling around in the kitchen: "What are you doing?" Him: "Nothing!" Then he comes in with a special treat for me: Tea or water or something to drink, along with something to eat. Then he'll stand behind me and rub my neck and back and be extremely attentive to me. Very nice.

4. Of course I can't let all this go by without mentioning how thoroughly awesome in bed he is. I really can't wait to stop being pregnant so we can have good sex again (rather than, "we'll just manage" sex. (=

5. He is SUCH a goofy guy. He is always able to make me laugh with a certain expression on his face or by saying something silly. Usually when I need it the most. (=

This really was very difficult. I could go on and on. (=

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Five things about Josh -

1. He takes care of me everyday with love in his heart and a smile on his face. I try to express how much this means to me but somehow even my best efforts can never fully show how much.

2. One of the reasons he works so hard and diligently is because he wants to make more money so that I can go back to school full time and he can support us while I do. He wants to send me to grad school even though he hasnt finished his undergrad yet. His desire to sacrifice so that I may suceed amazes me and makes me love him more.

3. In the mornings, he gets annoyed if I try to get up without having a cuddle first. I love it when I give in.

4. He makes me laugh, you know so hard that you cant breathe and your sides hurt but makes you feel so full of joy and life that you dont want to stop.

5. He tells me I'm beautiful and sexy even though I have a raging flu, havent washed my hair in two days, am wearing a ratty t-shirts and sweats with holes in them, and look like I should have been dead three days ago.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

  • He gets up and gets me water and food whenever I want.
  • He rubs my feet or back on a regular basis.
  • He thinks I'm the sexiest woman around, even when I think I'm just fat and/or pregnant.
  • He writes all my programming for me, so I don't have to because I'm a lazy so-and-so and hate programming.
  • He does dishes and laundry.

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

  • Good things about the Wife:

    1. She's so achingly, breathtakingly pretty. Like the Grand Canyon, or the New Orleans skyline at night, or Venus on that shell. And she's mine. All mine. Boggles the mind.

    2. Cooking! Though we have a tendency to eat take-out, when Sonya has a mind to she can make the best food in the world. And I get to eat it.

    3. Rum drinking. Sonya's favorite hard liquor is rum - yo-ho-ho dark rum. Myer's, to be specific. I think that's exotic and special.

    4. Bathroom cleaning. Bathrooms (especially ours) are disgusting and I won't clean them. The fact that it's so disgusting because of me makes no difference. I won't do it. Sonya cleans the toilet without complaint. I admire that.

    5. Warmth. Our bedroom is like a goddamned ice box. Sonya is like a full-body heating pad that snuggles. We spoon a lot.

    - Harold wonderland 2

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    Not a lot of male-type persons on the forum today; how telling.

    [1] She took me to the Birdcage Savings Cinema. [2] She leaves me phone messages that say "I like calling you." [3] She found a platypus for me, and even made food packets for it. [4] She is reading four different copies of Moby-Dick all at once. [5] She loves her kitty very much, and taught me all about dogs too.

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    1. He doesn't expect me to be perfect, and he never points out my flaws.

    2. He is my biggest cheerleader. No matter what I come up with as a new project, he is always 100% behind me, no matter how lame or silly it might be.

    3. He is absolutely trustworthy. I never feel like I have to watch my back with him, or keep a running checklist of "fair-ity" in our relationship.

    4. He always walks the dogs at night, and puts a great deal of time and effort into making sure they are happy, even though they are (were) my dogs until we got married, and he didn't meet them until our wedding.

    5. I get random presents all the time. Little things to cheer me up when I get homesick, or frustrated with living in a foreign country. He buys the best presents!

    and a bonus one: 6. When he hugs me, the rest of the world disappears.

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    1. He likes dogs. 2. He loves (and wants to have) children. 3. He has a career (vs a job) and he respects that I have one too. 4. He is almost as romantic and emotionally expressive as I am. 5. He is tall, dark and handsome and he thinks that I'm sexy!

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    Five good things about Eric:

    1. He's hysterical. No, really. He makes me laugh every single day. That is the sexiest thing ever.

    2. He is never, ever boring. Dating a Gemini has it's perks. One of them is that you really date two different men. You can't predict him.

    3. He loves me. Probably the most important one. But he misses me when I'm not around, and he likes to do little things for me because he's always thinking about me.

    4. He's honest and loyal. I never doubt him or mistrust him.

    5. He smells good. That's really important.

    Now I've got to go call him at work and tell him I love him.

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    1. He's a great cuddler, and has big warm hands. He seems to have a healing touch- when he holds me when I'm sick or sore he's like advil! 2. He encourages me to pursue what I want to do, and to try to do more career-wise. 3. He does the driving, the cable-running, the nailing and drilling and fixing around the house, which is cool- even if he says it's because I suck at these things. 4. He's a very sensual person- he enjoys life in the moment, and helps me to enjoy the moment instead of worrying so much about the future. 5.He's not afraid to express emotions- he doesn't put boundaries on his feelings based on what he can expect in return- he just puts himself on the line. This sometimes makes me cringe, but I think it's beautiful too. He's met a lot of nice people becuase of this, which is something I have trouble with.

    Whew- that does make me feel better. It seems like I pay more attention to the list of bad things. Don't even get me started on the laundry issue...

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    Paul, Prince Among Men...

    1. He's a fabulous father. I have 2 daughters who already exemplify the term "daddy's girl". 2. He's absolutely the most patient human being I've ever met. 3. He's domestic. Laundry, dinner, house cleaning, you name it, he does it. 4. He makes me laugh. In a "you're such a dork" way, but that's ok cuz I'm a dork too! 5. He still loves me insanely after 10 years of putting up with my array of shit.

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    1. He gives great hugs
    2. He doesn't mind schlepping me around because I can't drive. 3. He always listens when I have a problem I want to discuss
    4. He brings up the mail and brings down the trash
    5. He empties the litter box

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    Ant's finest :

    1) He almost always brings me something nice on the way back from the office be it sushi, magazines or skin care samples. (tip get your boyfriend to ask for trial samples on your behalf at the beauty counter - they always get heaps more - prehaps because of the surprise facor? )

    2) He totally accepts me the way I am even though I need to lose about 28 lbs.

    3) He likes dancing

    4) He's gorgeous but doesn't know it

    5) His Eddie Izzard impressions are the best.

    6) He doesn't mind me wearing his sweaters even though I leave boob impressions in them.

    7) He has a great reading voice - different voices for different characters

    There ... hope that wasn't too sick ma

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    1. He is a sentient and sensual being who is committed to being fully present in the moment with me.

    2. We are the best matched lovers I've ever heard of.

    3. He loves my cooking, but he will cook just because he thinks I should sleep late or because I worked hard all day.

    4. He reads to me: poems, stories.

    5. He knows exactly how to comfort and/or distract me, and sometimes he cried with me, too.

    6. If he says he'll call or shop or do whatever, he does it, aand if he can't, he lets me know before it's a problem.

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    1. He tucks me in and kisses me every night when I go to bed before he does.

    2. He has this back long-sleeved t-shirt that makes him look incredibly dreamy.

    3. He deals with the lighting installers and the builder and the realtor, so I don't have to put up with the added stress.

    4. He handles the money. I can't even begin to describe what a blessing this is.

    5. When he gets excited about things, his eyes sparkle and he can't wait to tell me.

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    And five good things about Beth:

    1. She didn't kill me when her mom started reading my page and not hers. Her bitter e-mail didn't include a computer virus.

    2. She cheers on my forum's ranking in popularity and sent me a congrats letter when it "Beat the Catholics."

    3. She didn't kill me when Jeremy posted on my forum. Her hate mail didn't include a bomb.

    4. She makes up nicknames for me, like "hussy." "Bitch." "Dog killer." "Dumb." "Evil." "Man-stealer." You know you've got a friend when they stop calling you by your name and just refer to you by terms of affection.

    5. She doesn't know exactly where I live.

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    I'm smiling and feeling all warm and fuzzy!

    1. He thinks I'm beautiful, tells me, and (most importantly) makes me believe it for the first time in my life.

    2. He loves my cats, and will often call to leave them a message during the day.

    3. He doesn't like getting backrubs, but will rub me (almost) any time I ask. And sometimes without asking. (which is not often since I could live my life with one constant backrub)

    4. He is kind and patient and loving, with me and everyone else. He never tells me to stop being so cranky, even when I'm so cranky I'm disgusting myself. And he makes me laugh.

    5. We're doing the long distance thing, and he's always willing to be the one to do the traveling. (He's coming in tonight, and I'm looking forward to it EVEN MORE since thinking such nice thoughts!!)

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    just five? how could i possibly narrow it down to just five and make it the five best things ? 1. she loves me and has for 57 years. 2. she has put up with my quirks and chrotchets with out shooting me. 3. after we were in a catastrophic auto accident, and i ended up with a broken neck, she spent most of a year doing everything for me except breathing, eating and eliminating. giving words of encouragement throughout. 4. tries to fix meals that appeal to me and do other things in an effort to please me. 5. last, but not the least by a damn sight - - - - she still puts up with me and loves me.

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    You know, it's not like I don't talk about this subject enough on my own journal. But hey, you asked.

    1. He thinks it's okay that I refuse to do laundry after dark because I'm afraid to go in the basement, and he doesn't complain that in the winter months that basically means he does all the laundry.

    2. He sits with me when we watch the X-Files just in case I have to hide my head because something is too gory/scary/gross, so that he can narrate the events.

    3. He plays Trivial Pursuit with me all the time.

    4. He tells me "I love you" every day.

    5. He is an awesome cook and he doesn't mind that when I make dinner it's usually like, meatloaf and applesauce, and when he makes dinner it's fettucine alfredo with a side of braised asparagus.

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    Having recently reuinited with my former ex-notex, now my longdistance love, i think this list is therapeutic:

    1. Almost any time we're sitting on a couch side by side, he automatically reaches over and starts giving me a backrub or neck rub.

    2. He seems to be totally dedicated to my enjoyment in the sack, in a non-trophy way, and is also totally sensually aware, with a sort of feast-like attitude. (i better stop since he's in another country)

    3. He writes really, really good emails.

    4. He talks about me and his feelings for me with friends and people he meets when I'm not around.

    5. He notices the same things I do about people, and likes to deconstruct for fun.

    -- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

    1. Like Jeremy, Barb does the driving. I HATE to drive.

    2. She's the Ms. Fix-It of the house. I'm good with software, hopeless with a hammer.

    3. Her soft, yet hungry smile. Her dark smoldering eyes. Her killer legs.

    4. The way a hug from her feels better than sex with anyone else. (Speaking theoretically, of course...)

    5. The fact that we trust each other.

    -- Anonymous, January 15, 2000

    OKee, 5 good things about Dan:

    1. He does ALL the driving too. I just recently got my own car (and I didn't get my license til a year ago, at 24) And will pick me up just go to the bank, if it's raining/snowing/dark out..

    2. He is always on time, and when he says he's going to do something, he does it. As a part two, he never bitches that I am consistently 5-10 minutes late to everything

    3. He never has to ask me what I want for because he listens to the things I need/want, and always gets me the most perfect gifts.

    4. He's happy doing what *I* want to do, even if it's not something he enjoys. (Damn... only 5..)

    5. He loves me and even though I've gained 20 lbs in the last year, he thinks I'm the sexiest thing since sliced bread. He encourages me when I want to lose the weight, but also tells me how sexy/beautiful I am on a daily basis.

    -- This was nice, but had the topic been "5 Things About Your Significant Other That Drive You Absolutely Nuts" I'd have just as much trouble narrowing it down to 5 :)

    -- Anonymous, January 15, 2000

    1. He can always be counted upon to tell me the absolute, unadulterated truth (thus the reason I don't ask "Does my ass look fat in these pants?")

    2. He gets incredibly excited about geeky stuff, and practically dances in place like a little boy.

    3. He gets obsessions from time to time, wherein he can think of nothing but his current obsession - currently, he's obsessed with the "South Park" movie, and has been known to loudly bellow "What Would Brian Boitano Do?" in the shower.

    4. He always, always, always makes me laugh. Even when he's being annoying and I want to just haul off and smack him, all he has to do is turn to me and say something smart-ass, and I laugh in spite of myself.

    5. He's an incredible father to my daughter, his step-daughter, and loves her as much as if she were genetically his.

    -- Anonymous, January 16, 2000

    Five lovely things about my husband Bradley:

    1. When I come home bitching about idiots at work, he always waits for me to take a breath, and then looks at me and calmly says, "Sarah, just remember, you're smarter than all of them." Which is always exactly what I need to hear.

    2. Makes me laugh all the time.

    3. Builds incredibly cool and technologically complicated home theatre and computer systems, then shows me how to use them.

    4. Loves the cats as much as I do.

    5. Is still here even though I drive him completely bonkers on a fairly regular basis.

    -- Anonymous, January 16, 2000

    1. he puts me before his friends.

    2. he's a total family man.

    3. he loves my mom and dad. He thinks a Saturday night spent with them is just as fun as going out with friends, if not more.

    4. he tells me I'm beautiful, even when I'm sick and feel awful.

    5. he holds me when we sleep and before we climb out of bed, he kisses me and tells me he loves me every morning.

    that's just some of his great qualities. give me a year and I'll see if they change.

    -- Anonymous, January 19, 2000

    Five nice things about Steve.

    1. He cried when I said my vows.

    2. He recognizes and loves all of my idiosyncrasies, the things that make me, me.

    3. He does dishes, vacuums, cleans, does laundry and cooks on occasion.

    4. When he thinks something is really funny, he laughs really loud and really hard. It always makes me laugh to hear him.

    5. The way he looks at the world. He is such a child at heart. He always sees the best in everything. And damn it I am such a pessimistic shit that I bring him down a lot. I hate myself for that.

    -- Anonymous, January 20, 2000

    1) He tells everyone I'm brilliant. And then tells them why.

    2) He makes little concerned comments about my health or wellbeing, then tries to make me better with medicine or cuddling.

    3) He loves my cat even though he tells everyone that he's "not a cat person". I believed him until one day I caught him sleeping with the cat on his chest.

    4) He takes out the trash every day. I never even ask.

    5) He inspires me.

    -- Anonymous, January 20, 2000

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