So, do you like adults? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Well, someone already posted something close to this in the end of their "Do you like kids" answer, but thought that it might make an interesting thread in it's own right.

So, do I like adults?

Hell No!

Adults - lying, conniving, obsessive, frazzled, running around in circles at least seventy five percent of the time.

Kids and Animals - Painfully honest, flip from one thing to the next with the ease of an acrobat, take naps when they're crabby, eat when they're hungry, and a lot of other things that make a hell of a lot more sense than adults do!

Kids don't diet...Adults do, eat nothing for weeks but cottage cheese and lettuce, and, during all those weeks, end up gaining two pounds and losing a lot of friends because they were busy complaining about their weight and being crabby. The vast majority of adults don't nap. I'm starting to think that if they did, they'd be less crabby.

So, to answer my own question...Adults suck!
-Meghan, who has spent most of the day on the phone with various crabby adults and is a little biased right now.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2000


adult, by whose or what definition and how applied ? i don't know, they all look alike yunno. i like adults if they are mature in mind but not if they are 67 year old spoiled babies. i guess that it would almost be necessary to set up a scale by percentage. 10% adult - - - doesn't wet the bed any more. 20 % adult - - - on entering closes the door quietly. 30 % adult - - - - works a job and wastes pay. 40 % adult - - - is found by a patient, kind lady and is gently civilized lady and brought to the full 50 % adult stage that it is possible for men to reach. women ? as an old man i am not afraid to ask the loaded question, "how the hell should i know ?"

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2000

I like adults if they're properly behaved. When I see bratty adults in a grocery store complaining to the produce manager about the quality of tomatoes, it makes me want to give their parents a good talking too. I also wonder why adults can't say please and thank you more. It's evidently important to everybody in the world that people learn please and thank you as as children, but they apparently stop caring at about year 18. If people just hit adults more, that would teach them. And the world would be a happier place.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Unfortunately, some kids do lie and some even diet. Sigh.

And more kids *should* nap, but it seems like there's a plague of hyperactive little nitwits out there in the world who never shut up or sit still, and it would be great if their nitwit parents never took them to any more restaurants or movie theaters or even let the little brats ride the bus.

So anyway, yeah, I like some adults and some kids. Likable kids usually grow up to be likable adults, and little jerks usually grow up to be big jerks.

I don't find that much difference in them as whole groups though - I mean, knowing someone's age doesn't tell me anything about whether I'll like them as a person or have anything in common with them or not.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

I like a lot of adults. The ones who are friendly and polite and funny and interesting and don't make a lot of noise in my personal space.

I never understood they surprise at the "do you like children" question. Children seem to have a lot more in common with each other than adults do.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

Not to a child. It's all a matter of prespective.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

There are very very few people that I really like. Most adults are just big babies.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2000

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