Training & Professional Development Committee Meeting : LUSENET : Federal Information and Records Managers Council : One Thread

Federal Information and Records Management Council

Training and Professional Development Committee meeting

January 25, 2000, 1:00 - 3:00, Archives II


1. Purpose of the Committee and of the meeting

2. Introductions

3. Training a. The state of information and records management opportunities b. Identifying sources of traiing 1. NARA 2. CIA 3. Other agencies c. Leveraging and sharing existing programs d. Future directions - brainstorming

4. The State of the Profession in the Govenrment a. The ARMA initiative: RIM Industry competency Standards - an overview b. CIA;s informaiton management career service - an overview c. Other examples d. Future directions

5. Actions

6. Close/Next meeting

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2000


Unfortunately, as we all know, that session got cancelled because of snow. I have rescheduled it for Frebruary the 24th from 1:00 to 3:00 at Arhcives II, College Park. I know that for many of you that is an awkward location. Hence, we will try to stagger meeting locaitons, going to DC next meeting and, perhaps, Northern Virginia for future meetings. The agenda remains the same.

Please be there - there is so much to get going!


FYI: I can also be reached via e-mail during the day at

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2000

Firm Training and Development Committee Agenda and Minutes February 24, 2000

Greg Fraser - CIA Susan Sallaway - NARA Jeanne Young - Federal Reserve Larry Patlen - NARA Betty Behal - Agriculture Julie Small - USDA/AMS Debra Vandergrift-Agriculture Diana Bentley - NARA

1. Purpose - laying a groundwork for future consultation, cooperation, and action 2. Introduction of participants 3. Setting the stage: developments in training and professional development. The CIA experience in developing its existing information management career service: training, Key Job Element, skills and knowledge, and performance standards defined. Additionally, determined that information managers had to have considerable expertise beyond their information management skills in the following areas: A. Records and classification management B. Communication skills C. Project management skills D. Management skills E. Metrics F. Technical skills Bottom line results Information management professions are converging, including library science, technical disciplines, records management, access management, and other related professions the ARMA initiative: Key Job Elements and training resources 4. Brainstorming 5. Next steps A. Next meeting B. Actions C. Defining roles

In addition to the related disciplines identified by CIA requiring expertise for information managers, the group added the following disciplines and/or customers to the list:

INFOSEC/security Internet/intranets Access Controls CIO Teamwork Workflow Automated categorization Thesauri/metadata Declassification and release PKI/Electronic signatures Marketing Outreach - training others Knowledge Management/Portal/Neural networks Collaboration Training

Topics that the group thought should be on the agenda for the future: 7 Identification of training resources in the U.S. Government for information management 7 Sharing of training resources across agencies 7 Pursuing recognition of a U.S. Government information management job category by OPM 7 Pursuing a specialized U.S. Government CRM along the lines of what NIRMA recently accomplished. 7 Standardized critical elements - even beyond our own profession (records liaison) 7 Position descriptions - models, ideals, collaboration, standards 7 CRM citation in job announcements 7 Define educational requirements for the profession(s) 7 Defining raining needs for new employees - different levels and different needs

Following a reaching of critical mass, the group decided that meetings would be bimonthly.


*Send out link to ARMA standards document (Greg) *Provide access to CIA information management career service standards (Greg) CIMA/ALARM *CIO Knowledge Management Subcommittee - dates (Betty Behal) *Marilyn McClenan - ARMA initiative (Greg) *Training programs within agencies (all participants)

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2000

Firm Training and Development Committee Agenda and Minutes February 24, 2000


Greg Fraser - CIA Susan Sallaway - NARA Jeanne Young - Federal Reserve Larry Patlen - NARA Betty Behal - Agriculture Julie Small - USDA/AMS Debra Vandergrift-Agriculture Diana Bentley - NARA

1. Purpose - laying a groundwork for future consultation, cooperation, and action 2. Introduction of participants 3. Setting the stage: developments in training and professional development. The CIA experience in developing its existing information management career service: training, Key Job Element, skills and knowledge, and performance standards defined. Additionally, determined that information managers had to have considerable expertise beyond their information management skills in the following areas: A. Records and classification management B. Communication skills C. Project management skills D. Management skills E. Metrics F. Technical skills Bottom line results Information management professions are converging, including library science, technical disciplines, records management, access management, and other related professions the ARMA initiative: Key Job Elements and training resources 4. Brainstorming 5. Next steps A. Next meeting B. Actions C. Defining roles

In addition to the related disciplines identified by CIA requiring expertise for information managers, the group added the following disciplines and/or customers to the list:

INFOSEC/security Internet/intranets Access Controls CIO Teamwork Workflow Automated categorization Thesauri/metadata Declassification and release PKI/Electronic signatures Marketing Outreach - training others Knowledge Management/Portal/Neural networks Collaboration Training

Topics that the group thought should be on the agenda for the future: 7 Identification of training resources in the U.S. Government for information management 7 Sharing of training resources across agencies 7 Pursuing recognition of a U.S. Government information management job category by OPM 7 Pursuing a specialized U.S. Government CRM along the lines of what NIRMA recently accomplished. 7 Standardized critical elements - even beyond our own profession (records liaison) 7 Position descriptions - models, ideals, collaboration, standards 7 CRM citation in job announcements 7 Define educational requirements for the profession(s) 7 Defining raining needs for new employees - different levels and different needs

Following a reaching of critical mass, the group decided that meetings would be bimonthly.


*Send out link to ARMA standards document (Greg) *Provide access to CIA information management career service standards (Greg) CIMA/ALARM *CIO Knowledge Management Subcommittee - dates (Betty Behal) *Marilyn McClenan - ARMA initiative (Greg) *Training programs within agencies (all participants)

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2000

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